Staying Emotionally Resilient through Unemployment 

Man working on computer

Finding the Right Job can be Stressful

Unemployment, job searching, and other work-related stresses can significantly impact our personal and family well-being. We often experience mixed reactions such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Forgetfulness
  • Body aches
  • Relationship distress
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Questions about spiritual beliefs and practices
  • Anxiety
  • Desire to meet challenges and face difficulties
  • Depression
  • Increased reliance on God
  • Hopelessness
  • Closeness with loved ones
  • Distraction
  • Feelings of determination

    It’s OK to feel strong and that you are doing well. It is also OK to struggle. Many care about your success and pray for your well-being. Below is information and resources that can help strengthen emotional resilience through employment challenges.

    You Are Not Alone

    When we experience feelings of guilt, shame, rejection, and low self-worth, we typically want to withdraw and isolate. Emotional resilience requires staying connected with others. Take the initiative to reach out and connect in-person and virtually with loved ones. By sharing your feelings and experiences with them, you can build deeper bonds and find support.

    Some ways to stay connected and find employment opportunities include:

    In this difficult time, helping others can bless both the giver and receiver. No matter how long it takes to find the right job, keep trying and keep reaching out to others. Consider how you can help your family, friends, or loved ones during unemployment. Keeping others in mind can strengthen your emotional well-being.

    Strengthening Emotional Resilience

    Resilience can be defined as the ability to withstand, recover from, and adapt to both typical life stresses and life-changing events. As we improve our relationships and strengthen our health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, we are better able to face adversity. Resilience fluctuates through seasons in our lives. Sometimes, we believe resilience requires us to be strong through all our trials. While we may face our trials with strength, sometimes resilience is simply striving to survive.  

    Finding the right job is not always easy and often requires ongoing planning, networking, searching, applying, and interviewing. Strengthening resilience can help us improve our flexibility and creativity as we adapt to the changes and challenges of unemployment. You can strengthen resilience skills by applying the four steps listed in “Facing Challenges: A Self-Help Guide.” For more in depth information and practice, review or consider participating in the self-reliance course, “Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience.” Moving forward with resilience can help us withstand lengthy and taxing unemployment experiences. It can help us recover when we wait for callbacks that do not come or when we consistently get passed over during the hiring process.

    Additional Help and Resources 

    Part of developing emotional resilience is knowing when to turn to others during times of need. Family, friends, Church members, Church Family Services, and the Church’s Employment Services team can help. The Employment Services team provides support groups, online workshops, one-on-one job coaching, and other employment services. Church Employment Services can help you find your next employment opportunity. 

    Visit to learn about the free job search resources available to you.