How to Prepare for an Interview

young woman steps forward as she is called in for her interview and shakes hands with her possible new employer. Behind her are some other candidates waiting for their turn .

A job interview is the most important part of a job search; it is the time for an employer to really see the skills and value you would bring to the position. But the preparation you put into the interview is just as important as the interview itself. Read through the tips below to learn how to prepare for an interview.

Things You Can Do to Prepare for a Job Interview

There are many things you can do to prepare for a job interview to ensure your success during the interview. Here are some tips to help you as you prepare:

1. Research the Company

Learn all you can about the company. Pay attention to the company’s mission and goals. You can review the company’s website, talk to friends and family who may be familiar with the company, or connect with someone who works there. Craft your questions and answers to hit on what’s important to the company.

2. Review Job Description

Carefully review the job description and identify what skills the company is looking for. Create a list of your experiences (both through employment and volunteering), skills, and accomplishments that align with these requirements.

3. Ask Someone to Help You Practice Interviewing

Consider those who work in the same field or who are familiar with the kind of position for which you are applying. Practice every aspect of an interview as much as possible—introductions, questions, and how to end the interview. If your interview will include multiple interviewers, be sure to practice a panel interview. If you are preparing for a virtual interview, test the lighting, microphone, and camera on your computer before the meeting.

4. Prepare a “Me in 30 Seconds” Statement (refer to section below for more information)

A “Me in 30 Seconds” Statement is a simple way to present to someone else a balanced understanding of who you are. Read the “’Me in 30 Seconds’ Statement” section below for more information on how to craft a statement.

5. Think of Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Identify a few questions you could ask the interviewer(s) at the end of the interview. These questions should be focused on the needs or goals of the employer and show your interest in the company. Be prepared to respond with how you can meet those needs.

6. Prepare Answers to Common Interview Questions

Review the common interview questions in the next section below and prepare short but specific examples from your previous experience that demonstrate how you have achieved results. These are often called power statements. Share a few details to describe the situation, list the actions you took to solve them, and share the positive results. These statements can demonstrate how your skills, experience, and accomplishments will help the company succeed.

The Power of Power Statements

Common Interview Questions

One of the best ways you can prepare for a job interview is by preparing answers to some commonly asked interview questions. Review the questions below and take some time to think of answers. To really solidify your answers, find a friend or family member to ask you some of these questions and give you feedback on your answers.

  • Tell me something about yourself.
  • What are some of your strengths?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What are some of your weaknesses?
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • How would your previous employer describe you?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What do you expect as a salary or compensation?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

The interviewer may also ask you questions to see how you react or behave in certain situations. As you give your answer, provide specific examples that show the employer your thought process. The following are a few examples of these types of behavioral questions:

  • Describe the most recent situation you faced under pressure. How did you react?
  • Describe your last major mistake. Why did it happen? What did you do about it?
  • Tell me about a time when your ideas were rejected by your boss. How did you work through the situation?

“Me in 30 Seconds” Statement

A “Me in 30 Seconds” statement is a simple way to present to someone else a balanced understanding of who you are. It piques the interest of a listener who says, “Tell me a little about yourself,” and it provides a brief and compelling answer to the question “Why should I hire you?”

When well crafted, your “Me in 30 Seconds” statement will include:

  • A brief personal introduction that includes your career objective or the type of position you want.
  • Three or four specific accomplishments that prove you meet or exceed the requirements for that position.
  • A few character traits or adaptive skills that set you apart from typical applicants.

When creating a statement, be sure to keep your statement brief, remember your audience, be specific in your examples, and keep it natural.