How Proper Nutrition Impacts Children’s Brain Development

Chile:Family Life

Early life experiences, including proper nutrition, have a great impact on a child’s developing brain. In the early years of a child’s life, the brain is developing rapidly, highly relying on proper nutrition and nurturing to help it develop properly.

Elder M. Russell Ballard said that nurturing activities from a mother and father are an important part of a child’s physical needs. These nurturing activities include feeding your child nutritious foods as well as playing with, loving, and telling stories to your child. “Nurturing in and of itself is more important in the development of a child than is any particular method or technique of child rearing.”1 So how can we ensure our children are getting the proper nurturing and nutrition they need to develop properly?

When does a child’s brain start to develop?

The most important period for a child’s brain development is from the time of conception to ages two to three. In this period, the brain develops faster than at any other time. These early years are the greatest time of opportunity to help the child’s brain develop well and become a strong foundation for success in life.

How does child nutrition relate to brain development?

One of the most important factors of healthy brain development in the early years of a child’s life is nutrition. Healthy foods help the brain develop properly and help the body grow. Because the brain development made in those first two to three years of a child’s life cannot be made up for later in life, it is essential to make sure a child eats healthy in those early years. Through eating healthy foods early in life, a child can reach their full potential in the future.

How can I help my child’s brain develop properly?

To ensure strong brain development, children need to have good nutrition. Feed them foods from all of the food groups so they get all of the nutrients they need to grow.

In addition to nutrition, a child’s environment and experiences have a big impact on how these connections develop. For healthy brain development, children need to engage with the world around them. They also need loving and responsive relationships, back-and-forth interactions with people, and chances to play in and explore their world.

For more information about things you can do to promote brain development, download the family resource on brain development.

How to Help Others Understand Brain Development

Do you know or minister to someone who could benefit from learning about child brain development? Here are a few ways you might teach others and help support healthy brain development for children in your area. Consider these ideas and others as you pray for guidance.

Ministering Brothers and Sisters

Teach the principles of brain development to families you minister to. Share the brain development family resource guide with families when appropriate. Possibly discuss and demonstrate one or two of the ideas on the sheet.

Local Leaders

As a Church leader, there are many ways that you can help families to learn about child brain development. For example, you can organize a class or activity for families with young children, make sure the Primary nursery has a variety of safe, colorful toys, and look for additional information on child development to share with parents who are interested. When assigning ministering brothers and sisters, keep in mind who might be most helpful to a family with young children.

Check out the brain development unit leader guide for more ideas on how you can help others to learn more about brain development.


  1. Elder M. Russell Ballard, in “The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood”, BYU Speeches, August 19, 2003.