Life of Jesus Christ: Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth
Gospel Living

You’re never too old—or too young—to do God’s work.

01/03/23 | 1 min read
A thought about Matthew 1 and Luke 1.

John the Baptist’s parents, Elisabeth and Zacharias, were “well stricken in years” (Luke 1:6). That means they were old. They’d never had children, and Elisabeth was well past the age where that would normally be possible. They’d served the Lord all of their lives.

Meanwhile, Elisabeth had a relative named Mary whose life was just beginning. She was “betrothed” (engaged) to Joseph but not yet married. We don’t know Mary’s age at the time of her betrothal, but according to Jewish custom she would have been a teenager.

Neither one of these women were expecting a big calling from the Lord at that stage in life. But as the Lord has reminded us time and time again, He can use anyone who is faithful, regardless of their age! Joseph Smith experienced the First Vision at the age of 14, while Noah boarded the ark at the age of 600.

What is the Lord asking you to do? It may not be something as monumental as we read about in scripture stories, but it can definitely change lives—your life, and the lives of those around you.

Time with the Spirit

It’s a new year—a great time to decide on a study plan for CFM. Create a goal to set aside specific time to study the scriptures each day.
