Argentina: Crafts
Gospel Living

You don’t need a ton of cash to show Mom you care!

05/01/22 | 1 min read
These prezzie ideas won’t break the bank.

In some countries, Mother’s Day is May 14 this year! Moms (or mom-like people in our life) deserve every dollar we have to spend. But what happens when any amount of money is too much for a gift?

If you’ve got plenty of love but not very much money, these ideas are especially for you! For Mother’s Day, you could:

1. Record a meaningful message.
Record yourself reading a favorite Book of Mormon verse, sharing a poem your mom would like, or even just telling her why you love her. She’ll treasure it forever! (You could make this a video, or even an audio recording would be easy for Mom to enjoy while she’s taking a walk or driving.)

2. Do her least favorite chore.
Find out what household task she enjoys the least—if you don’t already know—and do it for her the next five times.

3. Plan a movie night.
Arrange for your family to watch Mom’s favorite movie together. Bonus points for getting her favorite snack, too.

4. Have a special dinner.
You do all the work, obviously. If you need to, enlist the help of another adult to prepare a meal Mom likes. (Probably anything will taste good if she doesn’t have to cook it!) It could be extra fun to add a few fancy details—maybe make fake menus and have some of Mom’s favorite music playing in the background, for example.

5. Create a work of art.
Do you like to draw, paint, piece together robots from spare parts, or create anything else? Make a special gift that represents how much you love your mom. Again, don’t hesitate to ask another adult for help if needed!

What other ideas can you come up with? Let your imagination soar. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect to say, “I love you.”

Make a Plan

What’s your plan for making Mother’s Day extra special this year?
