Brick Wall
Gospel Living

Yes, you can fail successfully.

02/12/22 | 1 min read
Here’s how.

“I’m a failure.”

“I can’t do anything right.”

“I’m not as good as other people.”

Do these thoughts sound familiar?

No matter how perfect someone’s life might seem, everyone struggles with failure. While it can be hard to deal with, failure isn’t always a bad thing!

Here are some tips to help you find success in your failures:

  1. Failure means a chance at future success. You can learn something from every failure. Which means you can always improve the next time you try! Learning from a failure makes that failure a success. Be willing to grow and change.
  2. Avoid comparing yourself to others. Instead, focus on how God sees you and how you’re doing compared to your past self. That’s all He cares about! And that’s what will matter most to you in the end too.
  3. All things can work together for your good. God wants to help you. Turn to Him. Look for His blessings in your life. He will help you accomplish your most important works here on earth if you follow His guidance. And He will comfort you along the way!

You can read more about dealing with failure in this article from the February 2022 For the Strength of Youth magazine.


Your Story

Has a failure ever ended up being a blessing in disguise? Email with “Gospel Living” in the subject line and tell us all about it!
