General Conference Responses
Gospel Living

Which talks especially helped you feel God’s love?

10/29/23 | 1 min read
Here’s what Sarah, from Canada and Thailand, said.

“General Conference is one of my favourite times of the year. I have really enjoyed watching General Conference and learning more about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. I have felt the Spirit witness to me that the prophet and apostles are called of God. I have felt the Spirit witness to me that what they said is true and is of God.

“I really liked when Sister Amy A. Wright said that nothing we have or have not done is beyond the reach of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. This is a good reminder that He is always there for me. Through His infinite Atonement, anything is possible. He understands what we are going through.

“My favourite talk was President Russell M. Nelson’s talk. I especially felt the Spirit when he talked about ‘thinking celestial,’ and about the blessings of the temple. I also received some answers to my question on how to better listen to, understand, and follow the Spirit.

“I felt God’s love the most during Elder Robert M. Daines’s talk, when he spoke about how God loves us even though we don’t always realize it, and even when we sin. He said that God loves us so much, no matter what.”

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