General Conference Responses
Gospel Living

What conference messages stood out to you?

11/21/23 | 1 min read
Here’s what Sofie from Japan said.

(Scroll down for English!)







“When I heard Elder Gerrit W. Gong speak about being considerate and kind as we learn the “languages of gospel love” during general conference, I realized the importance of loving as taught by Jesus.1

“The first commandment taught by Jesus is to love the Lord your God, and the second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. I love this.2

“However, I’m sure you all find it difficult to love at times. We live our lives being exposed to Satan’s temptations every day, such as getting into fights and losing our ability to be humble. I know that if I don’t give up and ask Heavenly Father for help, He will definitely save me. We must always be prepared to maintain our faith, and Jesus wants us to choose the right path.

“Remembering that we are all equally loved sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, we will continue to value loving the Lord and loving our neighbors!”

How to Share with Us

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1. From “Love Is Spoken Here” Oct. 2023 general conference.
2. See Matt. 22:37–39.
