Young Girl looking at Art
Gospel Living

We’re all different, and that’s wonderful!

09/24/22 | 1 min read
Here are six ways we can celebrate diversity.

Elder Patrick Kearon said: Imagine living in a world where every painting was painted only with blue, all food tasted the same, and every song had only a single note. I don’t know about you, but I think that would be extremely dull!


“Differences in art, taste, and music make the world infinitely more interesting and beautiful. In the same way, people have distinctive backgrounds, beliefs, looks, nationalities, ethnicities, and experiences that make the world wonderful.”


Here are some ways Elder Kearon recommends to better appreciate and understand those around you:

1. Find the good in them.

2. Actively listen to their stories and experiences.

3. Search for common ground—how are you similar?

4. Be observant about what they do and say, and strike up a conversation!

5. Look outside of yourself as Jesus Christ would.

6. Don’t miss out. Learn from and meet others—it can change your life and perspective as well as theirs.

Read more in Elder Kearon’s article here!

Young Woman

The Value of Differences

Think of someone you know. What makes them different from you? Can you think of a time when their differences have been helpful to you or others?

Adapted from “Reach Out and Look for the Good” by Elder Patrick Kearon from the September 2022 For the Strength of Youth magazine.
