How was FSY?
Gospel Living

We’d love to hear your story!

05/31/22 | 1 min read
Tell us all about FSY.

Did you go to FSY conference this year? Maybe you’re planning on going later this summer? Well, after you do go, we’d love to hear about it!

Tell us all about:

  • Your experiences at testimony meetings.
  • How you shared your talents with others.
  • What helped you make new friends.
  • Spiritual impressions you received that you feel comfortable sharing.
  • Anything you wish you’d done differently so others can learn from your advice!

Email your stories and pictures to with “Gospel Living” in the subject line. And if you didn’t go to FSY this year, that’s okay. Get ready to go the next time your stake is invited!

Pro Tip

We can only share pictures of people who give their permission, so only send us a group pic if you can help us get in touch with everyone in the photo. We’d love a simple picture of your face.
