Gratitude Tree
Gospel Living

Together, we’ll make a gratitude FOREST!

11/05/22 | 1 min read
And add leaves to it every day.

Just like a seed is the beginning of a tree, “a grateful heart is a beginning to greatness.”1

Let’s make it a GREAT month by making gratitude trees together! Here’s how:

  1. Draw a tree—but don’t draw any leaves on it yet. Your tree can be small (in a notebook) or big (on a poster).
  2. Each day, add a leaf to your tree. You could draw it right on your tree or cut it out of colored paper. Get creative with it!
  3. On the leaf, write one thing you’re grateful for.
  4. If you run out of room, make your leaves overlap or draw a second tree. Just don’t stop being grateful!

We would love to see how your trees look! Once you add a few leaves, share a picture with us at and include “Gospel Living” in the subject line. We can’t wait to watch our forest grow!

Tree Time

Draw a tree and invite a friend to make one too!


1. James E. Faust, “Gratitude As a Saving Principle,” general conference, April 1990.
