April 2023 General Conference Quote Card
Gospel Living

The idea of obedience might not be popular.

05/21/23 | 1 min read
But this promise is still true!

Sometimes movies and TV shows portray people who agree to be obedient as brainless and powerless. Those who teach others to be obedient are often portrayed as manipulative and stifling.

And perhaps in some worldly situations, that’s true. But eternally, the idea of obedience—of willingly agreeing to follow God’s commandments and let Him guide our life—is the most liberating, empowering, intelligent choice a person could make! God is our loving Heavenly Father, who is trying to guide us to a wonderful eternal life.

His commandments are like a recipe or map, showing us how to create a delicious future and avoid the dangerous pitfalls of the adversary. As we keep these commandments, we invite peace and joy into our lives. Things won’t always be easy. But life with God is always better than life without Him!

Think and Ask

When has keeping the commandments blessed your life? This would be a great question to ask a faithful parent or leader.

PS—Read or watch President Eyring’s full talk here. Look for another conference quote card next week!
