
This holiday is described in the Bible.

09/25/22 | 1 min read
Let’s learn more about Rosh Hashanah!

Did you know that many Jewish people today continue celebrating holidays that are described in the Old Testament?

One example is Rosh Hashanah, a two-day celebration that begins on September 25 this year. It’s one of the “high holy days” and celebrates God’s creation of mankind.

Rosh Hashanah is described in Leviticus 23:23–32, where the Israelites are told to have “a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation” and to “do no servile work”—in other words, take a day off! This joyful time includes:

  • Synagogue services.
  • Festive meals.
  • The blowing of the shofar, an instrument made from a ram’s horn.

Nine days from now, Rosh Hashanah is followed by Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. We’ll learn more about that beautiful holiday next week, so stay tuned!

Thinking Symbolically

Can you remember any scripture stories that involve a ram? (Hint: Think of Abraham and Isaac.) What could celebrating with the ram’s horn remind us about?

Learn more about Jewish holidays in this FamilySearch article. Do you have any Jewish ancestors?
