Scripture of the Day: Prayer
Gospel Living

There is power in praying for people by name.

10/29/23 | 1 min read
Here’s an example from Paul.

Scripture of the Day: “I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers.” (Philemon 1:4)

“You’re in my prayers.” You may have heard someone say that as an expression of sympathy or support. Many people say it figuratively, meaning “I’m thinking about you” or “I’m hoping for the best,” not that they are literally praying to Heavenly Father on the person’s behalf.

But we should pray for others! We have a lovely example from Paul, telling Philemon that he thanks God for him “always” (Philemon 1:4). Think of the people who have prayed for you by name—like faithful family members or Church leaders.

Do you thank God for the people who make your life better? Do you pray for specific individuals who need extra help?

Prayer is a form of work, and praying for someone is one way we can do something very real to help those around us. God loves us all and knows us each by name, and He loves it when we show love for each other!

Praying for Others

What can you do to pray for others in more meaningful ways?
