Missionary Opportunities
Gospel Living

There are many ways to share the gospel.

04/29/23 | 1 min read
Who knows where a friendly invitation will lead?

Missionaries are always looking for ways to meet new people. While Sister Rogers was serving her mission in Calgary, Canada, a unique opportunity came while playing street hockey!

It happened when a family in the ward (the Stubers, pictured above) invited their neighbors and the missionaries to join them for a holiday weekend of food and fun.

The neighbors had never been interested in coming to church when they had been invited before, but they were interested in having a good time! As they spent time with the missionaries, they were able to get to know them better and feel the goodness that they offered.

“Missionaries love it when members help create moments to share the gospel in a fun and loving way!” Sister Rogers said. “That connection might not have happened if we had knocked on the family’s door and tried talking to them out of the blue.”

What can you do to help your friends feel more comfortable meeting the missionaries?

Pray for Ideas

Ask Heavenly Father to help you think of ways you can invite your friends to have a positive experience with Church members or learn more about the gospel.
