FSY Prep
Gospel Living

So you’re going to FSY this year, huh?

05/16/22 | 1 min read
Here are some preparation tips.

It’s so great that you’ve decided to go to FSY! Here are three tips to help you get the most out of it!

1. Get ready to relax and be yourself.

You don’t need to have a certain personality to fit in at FSY. Just try to enjoy the week and make some connections! You may end up meeting people from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences.

2. Actively draw closer to God.

Preparing spiritually is one of the most important things you can do. In the few weeks leading up to FSY, try to:

  • Study your scriptures.
  • Pray.
  • Take time to listen to the Spirit.
  • Participate in your lessons and discussions at church.
  • Take intentional breaks from social media.
  • Go to the temple if you can.

3. Ask for a packing list.

Physical preparation is important too! Your stake or ward leaders should have some additional information about what to bring and what to expect. And we’ll share another post about that soon, so stay tuned.

Your FSY Pro Tips

Have you been to FSY before? What helped you get ready? Email youth@ChurchofJesusChrist.org with “Gospel Living” in the subject line and tell us all about it!
