Saints Volume 3: Jeanne Charrier
Gospel Living

She had questions for God.

06/07/22 | 1 min read
Here’s the story behind Jeanne’s life-changing walk.

Jeanne Charrier grew up as a devout Protestant Christian in France. But during her university studies, she encountered ideas that gave her doubts. How could she know what was really true and who she really was?

As she struggled with these thoughts and feelings, she decided to pray. She said, “God, if you exist, I’m waiting for an answer.”

She went on a walk with her cousin, where they came across an older couple and two young men. The cousin asked them for some water. Not only did they get a drink, they also got a pamphlet about a church …

You can read the rest of Jeanne’s story in volume 3 of Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days! (pg. 551, 587). She had some difficult experiences, but the gospel helped her in many ways—and she was able to help others too!

My Pro Tips

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