Ahmad S. Corbitt
Gospel Living

Our entire life is blessed when we turn to God.

01/20/22 | 1 min read
Do we trust Him?

“Let God prevail!” Sound familiar? That’s something our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, encouraged us to do.1

And it’s something Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, has tried to do ever since joining the Church as a teenager.

“I decided to give my life, time, and heart over to the Lord,” he said. The result? More joy, happiness, and peace than he could have achieved alone.

“I am so glad I chose to trust in God,” Brother Corbitt said.

What can you do today to give your life to the Lord? It’s the best choice you could ever make.

Dig Deeper

Watch or read President Nelson’s talk (see the link below) and think about how you can let God prevail in your life.


1. From “Let God Prevail,” general conference, Oct. 2020.

Adapted from “Trust in the Lord” in the Jan. 2022 For the Strength of Youth magazine.
