Keavy from New Zealand
Gospel Living

Moving to a new area?

10/04/23 | 1 min read
Here are tips from one young woman who’s been there.

Keavy C., age 15, loves the sandy beaches and snowy mountains of New Zealand. But she hasn’t always lived there. She was born in North Wales, and living on the opposite side of the world from her extended family has been difficult.

“To this day, I still struggle when other people talk about their families because I know that mine is over 11,426 miles away,” she admits.

Keavy had to move again when her father was offered an amazing job working for the temple in Hamilton, New Zealand.

“My first week at my new school was really difficult,” she said. “I went to the bathrooms and cried each morning before class, and I would eat my lunch alone there too. I felt so hopeless.”

But then Keavy remembered something she described as “crucial”—that the Saviour is always there for her.

“I prayed that I would gain the confidence to go and ask someone if I could sit with them at lunch,” she said, “and each day got better than the last.”

For anyone else who struggles moving to a new place, Keavy shares these tips:

  1. Learn about the area you are in, and take advantage of opportunities to meet new people.
  2. Look for others who need a friend. Maybe you will be the answer to someone’s prayers!
  3. Most importantly, don’t forget Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They will provide a way!

Your Moving Story

Do you have any advice for other youth moving to a new place? Share it with us by emailing with “Gospel Living” in the subject line.
