

Thank you for tuning in to Mormon Channel Studio. I'm your host, Ashley Hess, and that was our fabulous musical guest Monica Scott. Monica, thank you so much for being here today. Thank you for having me. So that was "Carson's Song"; that's what it's called. So tell us a little bit about the song and what it means. Yes, so I--most of all my original compositions that I write usually have a story behind them because I put a lot of feeling into my music. That's kind of why I write music. It's kind of therapeutic for me. So about a year and a half ago, my little nephew was born at 24 weeks, and it kind of was a emotional time for our family because my sister had previously lost a baby at 24 weeks. And so when this baby was born, we really prayed that he would make it. And after a month of fighting for his life, he passed. And before I had heard the news that he had passed, I was tucking my own kids into bed that night. And I had this melody in my mind, and I just kind of didn't think much of it. And then about five minutes later, my mom had called and said he had passed. And the melody kept coming, and so I knew that was meant to be his. And so I wrote this as a little lullaby and tribute for my brother and sister-in-law for their baby. That's amazing. That's such a beautiful tribute to him. Thank you. That's so cool. So you mentioned that you're a mom. I also noticed that you quite literally wrote the music, all the sheet music. Tell us a little bit about that. Well, I have four kids, ages 5 to 10. And so, honestly, my life is crazy, as most stay-at-home moms know. And so I write music because it's kind of fun for me. It's kind of a stress relief in my daily of motherhood, so when my kids go down, I like to write music. But I don't really have time--I don't really have the programs or anything to go on the computer, put it on the computer. And so I'll just kind of write down chord names and just improv so I won't forget it, because a lot of times I just will have it in my head, and then I'll play it and forget it. And so it's easier--I know it sounds probably weird because it's so tedious to write music, but it's easier for me just to get a pencil out and just write it. That's great. I love that you do that. That's so awesome. Yeah. That's such a good outlet for you, too. That's great. So you have another song prepared for us. What will you be playing next? I'm going to be playing "Christmas Medley," and it is a Christmas hymn because they asked me, because Christmas is coming up. So it has three of my favorite Christmas hymns together. So it's "Silent Night," "The First Noel," and then "What Child Is This?" Awesome. I'm excited to hear it. Whenever you're ready. [MUSIC - "CHRISTMAS MEDLEY"]

Mormon Channel Studio - Monica Scott

Monica Scott plays her original song "For Coey" on the piano accompanied by Sarah Arnesen on the cello. "For Coey" was written for the funeral of a friends son.

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