
Welcome to Mormon Channel Studio. I'm Bri Ray, your host, and this is Jason Lyle Black with an original song.


Wow! That was amazing. I'm curious to know, what is that song called, and what's kind of your creation process? So that song is called "Champs-Elysees." So it's a new piece I wrote on my album, Piano Preludes, and the song kind of, I don't know, has a feeling of memory and longing for me. So I just came up with this melody on the piano and then ultimately wrote it for piano and violin. That just--I don't know, a memory, a longing, hope, kind of, in the future. It's almost like there's not really a specific story to it so much as just those emotions. And we titled it "Champs-Elysees" because of that, you know, avenue in Paris. We kind of felt like that represents those feelings. You know, you think of a walk down memory lane, I guess, if you will. So-- Sure. Well, it's lovely. Yeah. Thank you. I really enjoyed it. So tell us, kind of--you've had amazing opportunities to tour and to perform all over, and how is that--how do you express yourself and kind of get inspired by having those opportunities? So for me, one of the reasons, I guess, I really wanted to go into music was to connect with people. So that's kind of the thing that most pulled me into it, if you will, you know, years ago when I first started on this path. And so that's--thing is, I've had opportunities. I've gone to Japan and gotten to perform for people there and in Canada and then around the United States. And just getting to connect with each audience, whether it's, you know, little kids that come up after and they're totally scared to talk to you--it's always so funny because they're just like, their parents are like, "Well, go take a picture." And they just look at you like you're frightening. But then they walk away, and they turn around, "Bye, Jason," and all excited because--it's just, it's so fun. Or you know, it's older folks or even, you know, at a work setting you perform for somebody. But it's just really fun to connect with people and to bring them something they enjoy. And I think for me, that's, you know, my--some of my music is spiritual, but some of my music is very not spiritual. It's just fun or funny, even. But I feel like ultimately, it's the same thing. You're reaching people's hearts and kind of lifting them up. Wow. That's amazing. Good for you. I've heard, kind of word on the street, is that, yes, you can play the piano brilliantly, but you can also play it backwards. I do, so-- Do you have a little demo for us? I will give you a little demo. [PIANO MUSIC]

I'm speechless. That's incredible. That's really cool. So you have one more song for us. I do. Which song is that? This is "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." Perfect. Can't wait to hear it. Take it away. Thanks.


Mormon Channel Studio - Jason Lyle Black

Pianist Jason Lyle Black and violinist Becca Moench perform "Come, Thou Fount" and their original song, "Champs Elysse."

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