
Welcome to Mormon Channel Studio. I'm your host, Nik Day, and this is Eric Malizia. [GUITAR PLAYING] The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ, His birth, His life, and atoning sacrifice. His name appears on almost every page, And it's said in 100 different ways. There are 100 ways to say Jesus. Prince of peace, King of kings, and Lord of lords. 100 ways to say Jesus. Holy child, Light and Life of the World. No matter what the name, it's plain to see They all say love to me. Redeemer, Prophet, Son of God, and Cornerstone, Savior, King of heaven, and Lord God of Hosts, the Everlasting Father, Holy One, Bread of Life, Master, and Beloved Son. There are 100 ways to say Jesus. Prince of peace, King of kings, and Lord of lords. 100 ways to say Jesus. Holy child, Light and Life of the World. No matter what the name, it's plain to see They all say love to me. The Son of righteousness and Savior of the world, Living water and the God of the whole earth, Messiah, mighty God, my stone, my rock, Wonderful, Counsellor, and Lamb of God. There are 100 ways to say Jesus. Prince of peace, King of kings, and Lord of lords. 100 ways to say Jesus. Holy child, Light and Life of the World. No matter what the name, it's plain to see They all say love to me. These are just some of the names; there's many, many more. And you'll find them in the Book of Mormon.

Eric, that was great. Thank you. Good job. Thanks. First off, love your guitar. Thank you. Looks awesome. Thank you. What inspired you to write a Primary song? Well, I have four kids now, and bedtime is rough, and so I was singing a lot of Primary songs. And you know, there's some that I felt might have been missing, and I'm always looking for songs to write about and titles. And my daughter came home from church one day, and she handed me a paper that basically said "100 names for Jesus," and it had all of these names. And I thought, "100 ways to say Jesus--that's a perfect song name." And so I started writing it, thinking that I was going to include all 100 names in it. But I have 3 verses right now, so that would have been 9 or 10 verses, and that would have been kind of ridiculous. So there's actually 30 names for Jesus in this song, which is why I added the line "You'll find them in the Book of Mormon" at the end. They're all there. Nice, so telling people to go read. Telling people to go read. Yes. I love that. That's awesome. Making it fun. That's great. So what do you hope people feel when you play this song? I just hope that they'll be inspired to search the scriptures, to know that Jesus is present throughout all of the book and throughout all of the scripture stories of the prophets, and just to search the scriptures and just want to be a better person. I mean, when I was little, growing up, I didn't know the order of the books in the Book of Mormon, so that song has helped me as I've been older. And so I was embarrassed in class at times when someone would say, "Turn to Helaman," and I had no clue where it was. So that song, "The Books in the Book of Mormon," really helped. So I'm hoping, this song, to help somebody maybe come closer to God through it. So what's the next song you're going to perform for us, Eric? "Nearer, My God, to Thee." Awesome. Why did you decide to do that one? It's just an amazing hymn. It's full of hope. I mean, the lyrics talk about darkness, but you know, as we all try to get closer to Jesus in life, things like hymns and scriptures can get us much closer. And I think this hymn is probably one of the most special and sacred of all, at least that I feel when I sing. So it just gives a great feeling and a feeling of hope to a lot of people. Great. We're excited to hear it. Again, this is Eric Malizia.

[GUITAR PLAYING] Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me. Still all my song shall be Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee!

Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee!

There let the way appear, Steps unto heav'n; All that thou sendest me, In mercy giv'n; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee!


Mormon Channel Studio - Eric Malizia

Eric Malizia sings "Nearer, My God, to Thee" and an original song for primary children, "100 Ways to Say Jesus."

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