

So we got together for mutual just for our planning activity to see what we wanted to do for the next few months. So we went to LDS.org and looked at all of the different things that they suggested. And so we heard about the Week Long of Service project. And so we were like, OK. Let's try it. They needed to get sign ups. I thought they were just going to have a single sheet. People would sign up and have a little item there. And then I see this entire list of paperwork that they gave out each group. I thought they were in there over their head. When we saw the list of all the names-- and there was like 19 people on the list or more-- we stressed out [LAUGHS] for a little bit. We were just like, OK. We decided to do this, and we're going to finish it.

Well, for the Evans, we made a sandbox to put in there. So we had to dig out the ground to put it in. The Garners. Oh yeah. We did their house. We had to stack wood. Do you guys remember at the Stewers, when we had that big huge pile of rocks? And the ants were there too. Yeah. And that spider. [INTERPOSING VOICES] With all those spiders. [LAUGHS] This made our core so much stronger together. Normally, some people in the core meeting, hang out with them, but not as often as we would. So when we had this opportunity to come work together, it was just like bonding. We have these fun conversations while we're weeding or picking up apples. I don't know. I had mixed feelings about being there. I was like, how am I going to do this and then get my homework done? We should have done this in the summer, and stuff like that. But the night after we did it, then when I got home, I did my homework. It just felt a lot easier, like I could think more clearly on what I needed to do, and I could get it done a lot faster.

Well, for me personally, I wanted to serve because in the back of my mind while I was doing all this, I was like, oh yeah. Do unto others as you want done unto you. I want this to happen to me when I get older. I would like some younger, stronger guys to come help me with yard work that I can't do anymore. With this Week of Service, we didn't only see a change in the boys. We saw a change in the ward itself. When the next fast and testimony meeting came, and they're able to have some of the people in the ward go up and be able to testify of what that did to their lives, that was really special, to see that spirit and see them recognize the true spirit of Christ and how they were able to just be able to make an impact. You would never think that people would ever call the teacher's horn to do a move or any sort of service project. You'd go to the Elder's Quorum or to other of the adults. But we're finding now that people are calling the teachers, and the boys are just always on board with that. I feel like if Christ was here, He'd be out there serving. To be able to fill that void while He's physically here. I feel like it's our job to do it and be His representatives.

Seven Days of Service

A group of young men find the joy of service as they help those in need in their neighborhood

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