Scripture Stories - New Testament Stories

Christ sitting on a stone wall with His arm around a boy while five other children gather around.
Scripture Stories is a weekly radio series, designed to inspire children to come to know and love stories from the scriptures. Each episode features children sharing their insights from and favorite experiences with the scriptures, along with music and readings of great stories from the scriptures.

Aug 13, 2024

After the New Testament 

In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about the Church after the death Christ's Apostles. Because of the wickedness of the people, the Church was taken from the earth for a time, but Heavenly Father prepared a plan that would restore the Church in the latter days. Through a young man named Joseph Smith, God restored the Church to the earth, and we are here today as members of that Church. Just as the people of ancient Israel came to know Christ when He was on the earth, we can come to know Him, too, because His gospel and Church have been restored.
In 1820 Joseph Smith goes to the woods near his home and prays. - ch.64-5

Aug 12, 2024

Paul Finishes His Mission

Ch. 63 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about the final mission of the Apostle Paul. Much like the Savior, Paul knew that he was returning to Jerusalem for the last time and that he was going to be killed. Paul spent his final moments on earth bearing his testimony and expressing his love for Heavenly Father and Jesus. In the end, he was called upon to give his life because of his faith in the Savior. As members of Christ's Church we are not asked to die for Jesus, but He has asked us to lose our lives in His service. This means that we should always think of Him and love and serve others as He would.
Roman soldiers take Paul away. - ch.63-2

Aug 13, 2024

Paul and Silas in Prison, Paul Obeys the Holy Ghost 

Ch. 61-62 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about the mission of the Apostle Paul and how he was obedient to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. As an Apostle of Christ, Paul performed some of the same miracles that Jesus did during His life. In all his service and travels as a missionary, Paul never lost sight of his true purpose of helping others come to know Jesus better. As we live our lives, we need to make sure that we love and serve others. As we are righteous and willing like Paul, other people will feel closer to the Savior because of our actions.
Paul and Silas are whipped and put in prison. - ch.61-4

Aug 12, 2024

Saul Learns about Jesus, Peter Brings Tabitha Back to Life 

Ch. 59-60 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others discuss how Peter and Paul were each called to lead the Church and teach the people about the Savior. We learn of Paul's conversion as he was on the road to Damascus. We also learn of Peter as he raised a woman named Tabitha from the dead. Both Peter and Paul had many powerful experiences and did many wonderful acts of service, just like the Savior Himself. Learning about these good men and following their example will help us grow closer to Jesus. We may not be called to be Apostles, but we can still do our part in helping our family and friends come unto the Savior.
Paul sees a bright light and hears the voice of Jesus Christ. - ch.60-2

Dec 14, 2022

Wicked Men Kill Stephen 

Ch. 57-58In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others discuss two different stories that show the trials faced by the Apostles and the early Church. Stephen and James were called upon to give their lives in the face of opposition, and Peter was called to teach of the sacredness of the priesthood. If we are righteous we will be given the ability to overcome the opposition of Satan; it may not always come in the way that we hope or expect, but if we listen to the Lord, like the early Apostles, we will be able to know how to withstand any trials that come our way.
Stephen being stoned by the Jews. - ch.59-6

Aug 13, 2024

The Apostles Lead the Church, Peter Heals a Man

Ch. 55-56 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others discuss the organization of the Church after the death of the Savior. He called upon the Apostles to lead His people. He gave the Apostles the priesthood, and after His Resurrection He told them to go into all the world and preach the gospel. They followed His example and walked in His footsteps, healing the lame and performing many miracles. We are led today by a prophet and apostles who have the same authority and priesthood power as the Apostles of old to lead the Church in the Savior's name.
Peter, James and John are leading the Church - ch.55-4

May 16, 2024

Jesus Is Risen

Ch. 54 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about the Resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ. After Christ suffered in the garden, He was betrayed by Judas and then judged, crucified, and laid in a tomb. Three days later He rose from the tomb, conquering death forever. The risen Lord returned to His Apostles and gave them authority and direction on how to lead His Church.
Jesus shows the Apostles the wounds in His hands and feet -  ch.54-11

Dec 14, 2022

The Trials and Crucifixion of Jesus 

Ch. 52-53 In this episode, Tami Anderson (host), Hailey McKinney, Madelyn Clark, Rachel Wood, Regan Clark and Riley Wood talk about the last moments in the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. He spent his life loving and serving others. He taught all of us how to love Heavenly Father and how to return to live with Him after we die. We learn how the Savior was betrayed by one of his close followers and then brought before Pontius Pilate and sentenced to death. The Lord was crucified on a cross by Roman Soldiers and then His body was laid in a tomb. Even though this story is sad, it represents one of the happiest things that has ever happened as well. Because of the Savior's sacrifice it is possible for us to live with our Heavenly Father and our families forever.
Jesus is nailed to the cross and lifted up between two thieves - ch.53-2

Dec 14, 2022

Jesus Suffers in the Garden of Gethsemane

Ch. 51 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others discuss the suffering of the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane. Although it was a very sad day and the Savior suffered so much pain, His sacrifice is the most important thing that has ever happened for us. Our Heavenly Father sent His Son to die for our sins because He loves us. As we follow the Savior's example and keep the commandments, we will receive the blessings of the Savior's sacrifice, so that we may return to live with our Heavenly Father again.
Jesus prays in Gethsemane - ch.51-3

Dec 14, 2022

The First Sacrament 

Ch. 49-50 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about something very special-the Last Supper the Savior had with His Apostles. The most important thing that we can do on the Sabbath is take the sacrament, but just eating the bread and drinking the water is not enough; we need to think about the Savior and His sacrifice as we do so. We need to think about the love that He showed for us, as well as the love that we feel toward Him. As we prepare for and then take the sacrament with love in our hearts and the Savior on our mind, we will feel the Spirit as we accept His sacrifice more fully in our lives.
Jesus tells the Apostles to think of His blood when they drink the wine - ch.49-8

Aug 13, 2024

The Talents 

Ch. 48 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about the parable of the three servants and the talents. We learn that the greatest thing we can do with the gifts and blessings we have received from Heavenly Father is use them to bless the lives of others. By doing this we will be showing our love for others as well as our love for the Savior and our Heavenly Father. As we try our best to do this we will learn, just like the first two servants, that Heavenly Father will reward us with many more great and wonderful gifts and blessing.
Jesus tells His disciples about a man who gave his servants some talents - ch.48-1

Aug 12, 2024

The Ten Virgins

Ch. 47 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others teach about the parable of the 10 virgins. In the parable, Jesus is the Bridegroom. Some of the women were prepared and ready for Him, but others were not. Like the 10 women in this story, some Church members will be ready when Christ comes and some will not. Our lives are filled with opportunities to make sure that we are found among those who are prepared. If we live righteously and turn to the Savior in our lives, we will be ready when the time comes to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus once again.
The five wise virgins put extra oil in their lamps while the five foolish go to find more oil - ch.47-4

Aug 13, 2024

The Widow's Mites, The Second Coming

Ch. 45-46 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about two special stories from the teachings of Jesus. The first teaches us an important lesson about what the Savior asks us to do if we would follow Him, and the second story helps us realize that as we try harder and harder to follow Him, we will be more and more prepared to be with Him again one day. We can be like the righteous widow if we are willing to give the things that we have to help bless those around us. Giving of ourselves will help us draw closer to Heavenly Father and our Savior, and it will help us prepare to see Them again.
Jesus tells His disciples that the widow gave more than the rich man - ch.45-5

Aug 12, 2024

Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life

Ch. 43-44 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about the story of Lazarus and the Savior’s great love and courage. Because Jesus loved Lazarus and his family, as well as His disciples, He gave them all opportunities to learn that He is the Savior of the world. Throughout His life Jesus looked for opportunities to teach of His great mission to those who would hear and have faith. For us to truly understand our Heavenly Father’s plan, we must understand the Savior’s role in the plan.
Jesus commands Lazarus to come forth - ch.43-9

Aug 13, 2024

Jesus Blesses the Children

Ch. 41-42 In this episode, our host, Tami Anderson, and others talk about the Savior’s love for little children. We also learn of His commandment that all of us should be like little children so that we may live with Heavenly Father again. Little children find happiness by spending time with family and friends, and not by seeking after riches and other things of the world. It is through our willingness to sacrifice worldly things that we come to find what really is important—following the Savior.
Jesus tells the disciples to let the little children come and that they should be like little children - ch.41-2

Aug 13, 2024

Jesus Heals a Blind Man, The Good Shepherd 

Ch. 39-40 In this week’s episode of Scripture Stories, our host, Tami Anderson, and others speak with the children about how Jesus has the power to heal others, even someone blind since birth. The blind man that Jesus heals tells his neighbors of the miracle that Jesus has performed on him. Also, Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd— the one who gave His life that we might live. Discussion topics include: healing power, miracles, and the meaning of “Good Shepherd.”
Jesus puts mud on the man's eyes and tells him to wash his eyes - ch.34-3

Aug 12, 2024

The Ten Lepers, The Pharisee and the Publican 

Ch. 37-38 In this week’s episode of Scripture Stories, our host Tami Anderson speaks with the young children about ten men who had leprosy. Jesus healed the ten lepers and only one of them returned to thank him. They also talk about how we should pray to God in humility and sincerity on our knees, and not so that everyone thinks we are righteous. Discussion topics include: Humility, prayer, and giving thanks.
Jesus sees ten lepers - ch.38-1

Dec 14, 2022

Jesus Tells Three Parables - Part 2 

Ch. 36 In this week’s episode of Scripture Stories, our host Tami Anderson speaks with the children about a man who gives his all of his money to his two sons. One son wanted it immediately and went off and spent the money. When that son was cold and hungry, he came back to his father for help. The father held a party because the son had returned. Discussion topics include: The lost son, forgiveness, and a father’s love.
The father runs to meet his son and welcome him home - ch.35-20

Aug 12, 2024

Jesus Tells Three Parables - Part 1 

Ch. 36 In this week’s episode of Scripture Stories, our host Tami Anderson speaks with Charlotte Meyers, Julia Meyers, Dylan Weir, Alycia Weir and Chloe Torgerson about a shepherd that left his flock of ninety nine sheep in search of the lamb that got lost. They also talk about how excited and happy we should be when someone comes back to following Jesus. Discussion topics include: The Good Shepherd, Lost sheep, the Lost Coin and rejoicing when people come back to Jesus.
Jesus is eating with some publicans and sinners - ch.35-1

Aug 13, 2024

The Good Samaritan, Jesus Tells Three Parables 

Ch. 35-36 In this week’s episode of Scripture Stories, our host Tami Anderson speaks with Charlotte Meyers, Julia Meyers, Dylan Weir, Alycia Weir and Chloe Torgerson about how Jesus taught the people his gospel by telling them stories, also known as parables. Jesus then teaches that man should love God and his neighbor. Jesus spent time with the people who needed his help and the people who had not always made the right choices. Discussion topics include: Parables and Love, Who is my neighbor, and teaching the sinners.
A Samaritan stops and helps the man - ch.36-6

Dec 14, 2022

Appearing in Glory

Ch. 33-34 In this week’s episode of Scripture Stories, our host Tami Anderson speaks with Charlotte Meyers, Julia Meyers, Dylan Weir, Alycia Weir and Chloe Torgerson about when Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the Mount of Transfiguration and taught them how to pray. They see Moses and Elias. Jesus casts an evil spirit out of a boy, and teaches the Apostles how to fast and pray in order to cast out evil spirits. Discussion topics include: Heavenly Father praise Jesus, Moses and Elias’s appearance, Building faith in Jesus and the importance fasting.
Jesus Christ during the Transfiguration appears in His glory with Moses and Elias to Peter, James and John - ch.37-4

Aug 12, 2024

Jesus Heals a Deaf Man 

Ch. 31-32 Kate Woffinden, Ky VerHoef, Myah VerHoef and Talia Woffinden about the time when Jesus heals a deaf and mute man. The man came to him in order to be healed, and Jesus heals him. The Savior then asks those that are near not to say anything. Discussion topics include: Miracles of Jesus, testimonies, and the importance listening to the testimonies of the Apostles.
A deaf man is brought to Jesus to be healed - ch.31-1

Aug 13, 2024

Jesus Walks on the Water

Ch. 29-30 In this week’s episode of Scripture Stories, our host Tami Anderson speaks with the children about the 5,000 people that Jesus fed with 5 loaves of bread and two small fish. The people followed Jesus to listen to him speak and didn’t have any food to eat. After he feeds the people, the Apostles departed in a boat and Jesus walked on water out to the Apostles. Peter tries to walk on water out to the Jesus. Discussion topics include: Faith the Jesus, miracles, and feeding the 5,000.
The disciples are afraid when they see Jesus walking on the water - ch.29-3

Aug 13, 2024

Jesus Serves

Ch. 27 - 28 In the following two chapters children recite the stories of healing on the Sabbath and feeding 5,000 souls. We are to keep the Sabbath day holy and do only as God would do. They discuss what is appropriate for Sunday. Also, in this episode, we learn about two more miracles that Jesus performed here on earth: the healing of the lame man on the Sabbath day and the feeding of five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two small fish. Each miracle teaches us something a little bit different about the Savior and about what we need to know to return to live with our Heavenly Father. It is important to think about the reasons why Jesus performed miracles. We will find those answers for ourselves as we pray for help in better understanding the Savior’s life and mission. The more we think about the blessings that we’ve been given, the more we’ll realize that miracles are happening all around us.
The disciples pass the food to the people and there is more than enough - ch.28-6