Scripture Stories - Doctrine And Covenants Stories

Doctrine and Covenants Stories
Scripture Stories is a weekly radio series, designed to inspire children to come to know and love stories from the scriptures. Each episode features children sharing their insights from and favorite experiences with the scriptures, along with music and readings of great stories from the scriptures.

Aug 12, 2024

The Church of Jesus Christ Today

In this episode, we learn about the Church today. The Church has grown over the years since it was started in 1830. There are now millions of members worldwide. Living prophets continue to lead the Church.
Asian family standing in front of a temple. Chapter 65-5

Dec 14, 2022

The Saints in the Rocky Mountains

In this episode, we learn about the Saints in the Rocky Mountains. The Saints built homes, farms, and churches in the Salt Lake Valley. As more Saints began to arrive, more wards were created. The Saints began to build temples and other cities. They began building the Salt Lake Temple. It took about 40 years to build.
Brigham and the rest of his group came out of the mountains and looked down on the valley. "This is the right place. Drive on" Chapter 63-13 (April-July 1847)

Dec 14, 2022

The Pioneers Go to the Salt Lake Valley

Learn about the pioneers arriving in the Salt Lake Valley. In April of 1847, the Saints continued their journey across the plains to the Salt Lake Valley. When they got to the Rocky Mountains, Brigham Young sent men ahead to prepare the land. When they arrived, they dedicated the land and began to plant crops.
Pioneers dancing, and man playing a fiddle in the foreground. Chapter 62-8 (D&C 136:28-31) 1846-1847

May 16, 2024

Establishing Winter Quarters

Learn about Winter Quarters. While the Mormon Battalion was marching towards Mexico, the Saints built a small town called Winter Quarters and began to prepare for the rest of their journey west.
One oil on canvas, unframed.  Predominately blue and brown.  Burying a child.  Woman kneels beside grave placing green leaves.  Child in brown standing behind. Man leaning on his arm on tree.  Wagons and log cabins in background.  Signature written in red "33"

Aug 13, 2024

The Mormon Battalion

Learn about the Mormon Battalion. Captain James Allen of the United States Army came to the Saints and asked them for 500 men to volunteer to help with the war in Mexico. Five hundred forty-one men volunteered to serve. They marched 2,000 miles to California, but they didn't have to fight.
Brigham Young talking to the men of the Mormon Battalion, encouraging them to be good members, Captain James Allen, of the United States Army, in the group. One soldier holds an American flag. Chapter 61-4

Aug 12, 2024

The Saints Leave Nauvoo

Learn about the Saints leaving Nauvoo. When the mobs realized that the Church would not go away after the death of Joseph Smith, they continued to persecute the Saints. The Saints began to leave for the West to escape the persecution.
A group of excited Saints running towards a rescue crew of wagons, ariving at Council Bluffs. Chapter 60-14

Aug 12, 2024

A New Leader for the Church

Learn about a new leader for the Church and about endowments in the Nauvoo Temple. After the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, a new leader needed to be appointed. Brigham Young was appointed to lead the Church. The Saints dedicated a section of the Nauvoo Temple for endowment work and began to receive their endowments.
Sidney Rigdon and his wife in a covered wagon leaving Nauvoo. Chapter 58-3 (D&C 124:108-109)

Aug 12, 2024

The Prophet is Killed

Learn about more trouble for the Saints and the Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. Mobs in Illinois began to attack the Saints. The Saints asked for help from the governor of Illinois, but he refused to help. Joseph, his brother Hyrum, and others were arrested and taken to Carthage Jail. A mob broke into Carthage Jail and killed Joseph and Hyrum.
Second story of Carthage Jail, Joseph falling out of the window, being shot. Chapter -10 (D&C 135:1)

Aug 13, 2024

A Revelation about Marriage

Learn about God, angels, and temples. Joseph Smith told the Saints what angles look like. He told them what Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father look like. Joseph Smith received a revelation on temple marriages. If a couple married in the temple is faithful and obedient, the couple will be married for eternity.
Close-up of Joseph Smith, behind him are clouds and an ancient family. Chapter 55-3 (D&C 132:34-39)

Aug 13, 2024

Trouble in Nauvoo

Learn about the Relief Society and trouble in Nauvoo. The first mayor of Nauvoo, John Bennett, was angry with Joseph and wanted him killed. The women wanted to help the men of the Church. Joseph Smith received a revelation to create the Relief Society. The Relief Society's purpose is to help those in need and is for all women of the Church.
Joseph standing with an open book, behind him is a circle of clouds and a vision of the Rocky Mountains and church settlements. Chapter 53-8

Aug 12, 2024

The Saints in Nauvoo

Learn about the Saints in Nauvoo and the first endowments. The Saints began building a temple in Nauvoo. They learned of the ordinances that can be done in the temple, including baptisms for the dead and endowments.
Baptisms for the dead. Chapter 50-4 (D&C 124:29-37)

Aug 13, 2024

Missionaries in Other Lands

Learn about missionaries in other lands. The Lord, through Joseph Smith, called the Twelve Apostles to go on a mission to England to share the gospel. Thousands of people believed their words and were baptized.
Men leaving their homes to go on missions, waving goodbye to their families. Chapter 49-6

Aug 12, 2024

The Saints Leave Missouri, Joseph Smith Asks the President for Help

Learn about the Saints leaving Missouri and about Joseph Smith's plea to the president of the United States for help. The Saints left Missouri for western Illinois. There they began building a city that they called Nauvoo. Joseph Smith had the Saints write letters detailing what happened to them. Joseph then took the letters to the president and asked for help. The president would not help.
Brigham Young taking charge while Joseph was in Jail. Meeting to inform the Saints to prepare to leave Missouri. Chapter 47-1

Aug 13, 2024

More Mobs in Missouri, Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail

Learn about mobs in Missouri and about Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail. Mobs attacked the Saints in Missouri. Because of lies that were being told, the governor of Missouri would not help the Saints and instead sent soldiers after them. The soldiers put Jose
Saints being shot at, at Haun's Mill. Women holding a baby crying in the foreground. Chapter 45-12

Aug 12, 2024

Jesus Christ Names His Church

Learn about the naming of the Church and about tithing. While in Far West, Joseph Smith received a revelation that the Church should be called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph Smith also received a revelation of how much tithing the Saints should pay. The Saints should pay one-tenth of their income to the Church. If they do, the Lord will bless them.
Chirst stands in the center foreground with a throng of people of all nationalities. Chapter 43-2 (D&C 115:4)

Aug 12, 2024

Trouble in Kirtland

In this episode, we learn about trouble in Kirtland, Ohio, and Far West, Missouri. Some of the Saints in Kirtland became greedy and began stealing money from the Saint's bank. Many of the members blamed Joseph Smith and forced him out of Kirtland. Joseph fled to Far West, Missouri.
Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple when Elias appeared to them. Chapter 40-5 (D&C 84:33-34; 110:12; Abraham 2:8-11; Genesis 12:2-3; 13:16)

Aug 12, 2024

Visions in the Kirtland Temple

In this episode, we learn about the Kirtland Temple dedication and the visions that were received in that temple. The Saints were commanded to build a temple. The temple was dedicated and Joseph Smith had a revelation about the celestial kingdom. In that revelation he learned that those who die before eight years of age or who do not have a chance to accept the gospel (but would have accepted it) go to the celestial kingdom.
The finished Kirtland Temple. Chapter 39-8

Aug 13, 2024

The Pearl of Great Price

In this episode, we learn about the Pearl of Great Price. The Pearl of Great Price contains the book of Moses, the book of Abraham, translations of the Gospel of Mathew, and Joseph Smith's account of the First Vision and the organization of the Church. The book of Moses talks about the creation of the earth, and the book of Abraham talks about premortal life.
In July 1835, a man named Mr. Chandler came to Kirtland. Saints observing two mummies. Chapter 38-8

Aug 12, 2024

Priesthood Leaders

In this episode, we learn about priesthood leaders. After the men of Zion's Camp returned to Ohio, the Lord—through Joseph Smith-called Twelve Apostles. After the Twelve Apostles were called, other men were called to serve in the Seventy and assist the Twelve.
The President of the Church, his counselors, the Twelve Apostles, and the Seventy all have the Melchizedek Priesthood. Chapter 37-9 (D&C 107:1, 22-26)

Dec 14, 2022

Zions Camp

In this episode, we learn about Zion's Camp. Joseph Smith received revelation to gather 500 men to travel to Missouri to help the Saints there. Only 100 signed up, and on the way, 100 more joined. When they arrived in Missouri, the mob planned to attack them. The Lord protected them and helped the men prepare for leadership positions in the Church.
Zion's camp was near a river.  Men gathering wood and water, tents in the background. Chapter 36-8

Aug 13, 2024

The Saints Leave Jackson County Missouri

In this episode, we learn about the Saints leaving Jackson County. The Saints in Jackson County, Missouri, were being bothered by a mob that was destroying their property and attacking them. The Saints sought help from the governor, but he didn't want to help them. The Saints were eventually forced out of their homes by the mob.
The mob made the Saints leave their homes. It was winter, and many people died because they were homeles in the cold, wet weather. Chapter 35-4

Aug 13, 2024

A Revelation about Jesus Christ

In this episode, we learn about a revelation concerning Jesus Christ and a warning to the people of Zion. Jesus talks to Joseph Smith through revelation. If we obey God's commandments, we can come to know all things and be like Him. If the Saints are obedient, the Lord will help them build Zion.
Close-up of Joseph Smith, behind him are clouds and the Savior. Chapter 33-1 (D&C 93:1)

Aug 12, 2024

The Word of Wisdom

In this episode, we learn about the Word of Wisdom and the Church in Kirtland. Joseph Smith was prompted to ask the Lord about tobacco use, after it had to be swept off the floor during the School of the Prophets. The Word of Wisdom gives direction as to what should and should not be consumed.
Many of those who attended the school of the prophets smoked pipes or cigars.  Group shown in a smoke filled room. Chapter 31-3

Aug 13, 2024

A Revelation about the Priesthood

In this episode, we learn of a revelation about the priesthood and a revelation about war. Joseph Smith receives a revelation concerning the priesthood. All priesthood holders make a covenant with God to be faithful and to use the priesthood to serve others. The prophet also receives a revelation about the Civil War that would come 30 years later. There will be many wars before Christ comes again.
A missionary had an open book, and behind him are clouds and an angel reaching out to him. Chapter 29-9 (D&C 84:80-88)