Saints: Volume 1

Streaming Audio Book Image for Saints: The Standard of Truth.
Each week the Saints podcast features interviews with historians, General Authorities, writers, researchers, and others involved with the new history of the Church, Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days. Listen in for great conversations and fresh insights on the history of the Restoration.

Dec 14, 2022

Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days

Historian Steven C. Harper shares an insider’s peek into the groundbreaking new series, Saints. Steve is the managing historian of Saints. His rare perspective brings fascinating insights to the telling of this remarkable story.
Streaming Audio Book Image for Saints: The Standard of Truth.

Dec 14, 2022

Ask in Faith

Saints begins with the 1815 explosion of the volcano Mt. Tambora in faraway Indonesia. With this fiery beginning, Historian Lisa Olsen Tait discusses how an eruption, half-way around the world, plays an important part in the restoration.
Lava flowing from a volcano.

Dec 14, 2022

Hear Him

Much has been discussed about Joseph Smith’s different accounts of the first vision. In this episode, Historian Steven C. Harper discusses several of the accounts Joseph left throughout his lifetime of the event that ushered in the beginning of the Restoration.
Sacred Grove in the fall late afternoon

Aug 13, 2024

Plates of Gold

The visit of the Angel Moroni, the discovery of the Gold Plates, the meaning and usage of seer stones - These are just three topics Scott A. Hales discusses in this episode. As the lead writer and story editor of Saints, Scott shares intriguing background information of the incidents highlighted in this history of the Church.
A replica of the gold plates lying on woven blankets and surrounded by ancient Indian artifacts .

Aug 12, 2024

Be Watchful

20-year old Joseph Smith meets Emma Hale. The story of how they meet and their courtship is just one of the events discussed with guest, Mason Allred, an historian with the Joseph Smith Papers.
A bride and groom hold hands on their wedding day.

Aug 13, 2024

All is Lost

Emma and Joseph lose their first child. 116 pages of the Book of Mormon are lost. In this episode, “Saints" writers Scott Hales and Angela Hallstrom share the background on these sorrowful events.
A wilted or dying rose.

Sep 17, 2023

The Gift and Power of God

What did the translation process of the Book of Mormon look like? In this episode of “Saints” story editor Angela Hallstrom explains what we know about how the Book of Mormon was translated.
PRS Harmony, PA - Scribe

Sep 17, 2023

Fellow Servants

Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery pray to learn about baptism. In answer to their prayer, John the Baptist appears and restores the Aaronic priesthood. Spencer McBride, a Ph.D. historian with the Joseph Smith Papers explains the context surrounding this event.
Same Susquehanna River location and time of year as Joseph and Oliver baptism

Sep 16, 2023

The Rise of the Church of Christ

The Book of Mormon is published and the Church is officially organized. These monumental events put into historical perspective by Women’s History Specialist Brittany Chapman Nash of the Church History Library.
Stacks of leather bound copies of the Book of Mormon

Aug 13, 2024

Come Life or Come Death

Emma Smith is baptized. Joseph Smith miraculously heals Newel Knight. Oliver Cowdery brings the message of the Book of Mormon to the American Indians. Join author and historian, Scott R. Christensen, as he shares the background of these early events of the restoration.
Dreamcatchers hanging up on a wall.

Aug 12, 2024

Gathered In

The gathering begins. Missionaries arrive in the Ohio and introduce Isaac Morely, Sydney Rigdon and Edward Partridge to the restored gospel. Maryanne Andrus, Manager of exhibits and programs at the Church History Museum brings her knowledge of the gathering to this episode.
A partially frozen creek flows through snowy scene. Snow on the ground and on the trees.

Aug 12, 2024

Ye Shall Receive My Law

Joseph Smith teaches the Saints the proper use of spiritual gifts. Lucy Mack Smith uses her faith to lead 80 Saints along the Erie Canal from New York to Ohio. Ph.D. Historian, Jenny Reeder, from the Church History Department, gives background to these and many other events as the Saints continue to gather in Kirtland.
Scriptures resting on a table.

Aug 12, 2024

After Much Tribulation

From the steadfast faithfulness of Edward Partridge to the skepticism of Ezra Booth; the events discussed in this chapter detail the challenges of establishing the Church in a backwater trading post known as Independence, Missouri. Church History Archivist, Brandon Metcalf, brings insights to these familiar names in Church History.
Dandelion seeds being blown in the wind at sunset.

Sep 16, 2023

The Gift Has Returned

Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, and William McLellin attempt to write a preface to The Book of Commandments. Their unsuccessful efforts, along with the subsequent revelation the Lord gives Joseph Smith are discussed with Matthew Geilman, a manager of Global Support and Acquisitions for the Church History Department.
Christ standing on a seashore. He is beckoning to two men who stand near Him. The two men are holding a fishing net over a small fire. Fishing boats and fishermen are visible in the background. The painting depicts Christ calling some of His Apostles or disciples.

Aug 13, 2024

Visions and Nightmares

Elder J. Devn Cornish of the Seventy and Assistant Executive Director of the Church History Department shares insights regarding “The Vision” given to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon (D&C Section 76). Early Saints had questions about this new and unfamiliar doctrine. Their seeking for understanding is an example of how to address questions today.
Sunlight beams through clouds in the sky.

Sep 15, 2023

Holy Places

Joseph Smith and Brigham Young meet for the first time. Joseph prophecies of the Civil War. The School of the Prophets is organized. The revelation known as the Word of Wisdom is received. These and many other events are discussed in depth with Jed Woodworth, a Ph.D. Historian and writer with the Church History Department.
Kirtland Ohio Temple looking up at the building.  There are clouds in the sky.

Sep 17, 2023

Missouri and The Camp of Israel

The residents of Missouri become anxious as the church grows both in numbers and in strength. Two teenage girls, Mary Elizabeth and Caroline Rollings, risk their lives to save pages of the newly printed Book of Commandments. The challenges of Zion’s Camp are discussed in detail by Matthew C. Godfrey, Managing historian and general Editor of the Joseph Smith Papers.
Nauvoo print shop.  Detail view of words on printing plates.

May 16, 2024

The Kirtland Temple and the Twelve Apostles

The Saints sacrifice to build the Kirtland Temple. The first Twelve Apostles of the Restoration are chosen by the three witnesses. Joseph Smith and his brother William resolve a difficult personal conflict. Keith Erekson, Ph.D. Historian and Director of the Church History Library, shares his insights on these important events.
Kirtland Temple in Kirtland Ohio.

Aug 12, 2024

The Spirit of God

After much work and sacrifice the Kirtland Temple is dedicated. The Saints are endowed with power not shared since the days of God’s ancient prophets. The events and miracles surrounding this dedication are discussed with Emily Utt a Curator with the Historic Sites Division in the Church History Department.
Interior of the Kirtland Temple.

Aug 13, 2024

The Kirtland Safety Society Bank

Facing financial difficulties, Church members organize the Kirtland Safety Society bank which ultimately fails. Mary Fielding joins the Church in Canada and moves to Kirtland where she marries Hyrum Smith. Missionaries are sent to England and find great success. Kate Holbrook a Ph.D. historian in the Church History Department specializing in Women’s History brings her thoughts and perspectives to these events.
Homes going up the side of a hill in the United Kingdom.

Aug 12, 2024

The Church Grows from Missouri to Great Britain

While Joseph Smith reveals the place in Missouri where Adam gathered his posterity, Heber C. Kimball and others preach in Britain. A British convert, Janetta Richards meets Willard Richards who proposes marriage. The so-called “Danites” work to intimidate Church dissenters. Jennifer Lund, Director of Historic Sites for the Church History Department, brings her understanding to the conversation.
A dirt road is flooded with water after a heavy rain. There is a slight rainbow.

Aug 12, 2024

The "Missouri Mormon War”

Tensions between the citizens of Missouri and the newly located Saints reach tragic conclusions at the Battle of Crooked River and Hawn’s Mill. These events and those leading up to them are discussed with Jennifer Lund, Director of Historic Sites for the Church History Department.
Water flowing down a mountain surrounded by trees and rocks.

Sep 16, 2023

How Will This End

Missouri Militia General Alexander Doniphan refuses kill innocent Latter-day Saint Men. Joseph Smith rebukes the vile guards in the Richmond Prison. Amanda Barnes Smith sees her son miraculously healed from the wound he received at Hawn’s Mill. Riley Lorimer, Associate Editorial Manager of the Church Historian Press shares her thoughts on these chapters.
Pioneer Farm in Missouri

Aug 12, 2024

O God, Where are Thou

Joseph Smith is imprisoned in Liberty Jail, accused of treason. In this low point in his life and in the lives of the faithful Saints, the Lord shares a personal yet universal message of comfort. Historian, Steve Harper, shares background and insights that bring a better understanding to the experience in Liberty Jail.
Light streams through an old window. There are bars in front of the window.