Relief Society

Relief Society: Audio Series
Daughters in My Kingdom Episodes: Messages focused on the book, “Daughters in My Kingdom, The History and Work of Relief Society”. The former general Relief Society Presidency, and other guests, share their experiences with this inspiring new book. Questions and Answers Episodes: Question and Answer program featuring Sister Julie B. Beck, former general Relief Society president. She and her guests answer questions from Relief Society sisters around the world. Visiting Teaching Message Episodes: Commentary on Visiting Teaching messages with quotes and insights from the former general Relief Society presidency and other General Authorities.

May 16, 2024

May - General Conference Highlights - Episode 1

Join us as we review the messages given by church leaders on faith, family and service from the April 2012 General Conference
Photography of people attending conference

Aug 12, 2024

Questions Precede Revelation - Episode 18

Why are questions so important? Is it faithless or wrong to have questions or to acknowledge that you don't understand certain things? Listen to Sister Julie B. Beck, Sharon Eubank, and Elisa Scharton discuss how questions are a valuable avenue to receive revelation.
A woman looking out a window as she is pondering.

Aug 13, 2024

Transition - Episode 17

In order to allow change to refine us, how can we prepare for the transitions we must inevitably face through life? What are some key things we should be pondering and asking ourselves to learn from change? Listen to Sister Julie B. Beck as she answers these questions and more about transition.
Red Rock National Conservation Area

Sep 17, 2023

April - Love, Watch Over and Strengthen - Episode 17

Join us as we explore the April visiting teaching message, "Love, Watch Over, and Strengthen." We've added quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities to help us learn more about how we can really minister to those around us, especially those we visit teach.
Relief Society president delivering a food order to a woman holding a young girl.

Aug 13, 2024

Modesty - Episode 16

Does our appearance really affect how people view us? How can we help our youth to understand how important modesty is? Listen to Sister Julie B. Beck as she answers these questions and more about dress and appearance.
Group of young women.

Sep 16, 2023

February - Guardians of the Hearth - Episode 15

Join us as we explore the February visiting teaching message, "Guardians of the Hearth." We've added quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities to help us learn more about the power each woman has to make a difference in the world as she teaches the gospel in her own home.
An African mother reading the scriptures with her daughter.

Aug 13, 2024

Leisure Time - Episode 15

What does Sister Beck do with her leisure time? Is it wrong to spend my free time reading, especially if the books aren’t always spiritually based? How do you choose what media you’re willing to consume? Listen to Sister Julie B. Beck as she answers these questions and more about spending leisure time.
Women potting flowers in a backyard.

Sep 17, 2023

January Visiting Teaching Message - Episode 14

Join us as we explore the January visiting teaching message, "Watchcare and Ministering through Visiting Teaching." We've added quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities to help us learn more about the responsibility each one of us has to minister to others just as the Savior does.
Two women are sitting on a bench together and talking and laughing.

Sep 16, 2023

Charity - Episode 14

In what ways can we feel God's love for us and share that with others? How can we show true charity for someone who isn't always as loving towards us? Listen to Sister Julie B. Beck as she answers these questions and more about charity.
Elderly woman looking up and holding on to a man's arm that is in a suit coat

May 16, 2024

Visiting Teaching - Ministering - A Work of Salvation - Episode 13

What does it really mean to be a visiting teacher? How do we know if we are doing enough? Sister Julie B. Beck answers these questions and more about visiting teaching, the call to minister to others.
Women with ukuleles.

Aug 13, 2024

Relief Society's Relevance to Young Single Adults - Episode 12

Do young single adults struggle to feel like they fit in with Relief Society, and what's being done to help bridge this gap? If I've never had a testimony of Relief Society, how do I gain one? Listen to Sister Beck as she answers these questions and more about how Relief Society relates to young single adults.
General Conference YW Broadcast Arizona

May 16, 2024

November - General Relief Society Meeting Highlights - Episode 12

Join us as we share highlights from the September 2011 general Relief Society meeting. Through quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities, we hope to remind you of the great worth that you have as daughters in Heavenly Father's kingdom in order to help you press forward with faith, sacrifice, and charity in striving to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Handicapped woman with friends at conference

Sep 16, 2023

October - The Book of Mormon - Episode 11

Join us as we explore the October visiting teaching message about the influence of the Book of Mormon on our personal testimonies and in our families. We will hear quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities as we learn about the power the  Book of Mormon has to bring an added spirit into our lives.
A woman smiles as she holds up the Book of Mormon. The focus is on the Book of Mormon. She is blurred.

Sep 16, 2023

September - Strengthening Families by Increasing Spirituality - Episode 10

Join us as we share highlights from the September 2011 general Relief Society meeting. Through quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities, we hope to remind you of the great worth that you have as daughters in Heavenly Father's kingdom in order to help you press forward with faith, sacrifice, and charity in striving to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
A family walking along a beach in Hawaii.

Aug 12, 2024

Finding Balance - Episode 9

How can I find balance in my life when there's so much required of me? What is the best way to implement daily prayer and scripture study in our family? Join us as Sister Julie B. Beck answers your questions about finding balance and prioritizing your lives.
Man and woman riding a motorcycle while balancing items

May 16, 2024

An International Perspective - Episode 8

Join Julene Judd, Vilma Sagebin (who was born in Bolivia and raised in Brazil), Marta Bravo from Chile, and Milli Dadson from Ghana as they share their international perspective on ways to utilize the new Relief Society history book.
Young women crocheting.

Aug 13, 2024

July - Come to the Temple and Claim Your Blessings - Episode 8

Join us as we expound on the July visiting teaching message, "Come to the Temple and Claim Your Blessings." Through quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities, we explore why temple attendance is important and the blessings we can receive.
Mount Timpanogos Temple Photowalk

May 16, 2024

Our Spiritual Gifts and Connection to the Priesthood - Episode 7

What spiritual gifts do women have? Why are men given the priesthood and not women? How is it possible that women perform ordinances in the temple? Join us as Sister Julie B. Beck answers your questions about the spiritual gifts given to women and our connection to the priesthood.
A woman laughing at the April 2011 General Conference.

Aug 13, 2024

A Mother's Perspective - Episode 7

How can the new Relief Society history book, Daughters in My Kingdom, benefit mothers? Join Julene Judd, Peggy Moffit, Kathleen Cook, and Erin Jack as they share their perspectives on ways to utilize this inspiring new book.
Young adult women helping a young mother fold her laundry.  The mother is holding a baby.

Aug 13, 2024

June - Strengthening Families through Temporal Self-Reliance - Episode 7

Join us as we explore the June visiting teaching message, "Strengthening Families through Temporal Self-Reliance." Through quotes from auxiliary leaders and General Authorities, we discuss six principles of self-reliance and how we can apply them in our lives.
A family walking on the grounds of a temple.  The parents are swinging a small girl.

May 16, 2024

May - General Conference Highlights - Episode 6

Join us as we review the messages given by Church leaders on service, welfare, and charity during the April 2011 general conference.
Photography of people attending conference

Dec 14, 2022

Personal Revelation - Episode 6

What can we do to receive revelation when we are stressed out or overwhelmed? How can we know if it's our own thought or the Lord speaking to us? Join us as Sister Julie B. Beck answers your questions about receiving and acting on personal revelation.
Relief Society meeting.

Aug 12, 2024

April - The Purposes of Relief Society - Episode 5

Join us as we explore the Relief Society visiting teaching message for April, "The Purposes of Relief Society." Hear what Relief Society means to sisters, as well as quotes from General Authorities and the general Relief Society presidency explaining the purposes of Relief Society.
Photographs taken during the filming of "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration".

Sep 16, 2023

A Family Perspective - Episode 5

How can the new Relief Society history book, Daughters in My Kingdom, benefit your family? Join Julene Judd and the Stephens family as they share their perspective on ways to utilize this inspiring new book.
Carole M. Stephens, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, and her family.