Past Impressions

Green River
Past Impressions is a chronological exploration of Church history. Host Brent Top, chairman of the Department of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University, leads lively discussions about the places, people, and events that are the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Sep 16, 2023

Prelude to the First Vision

Professors Spencer Fluhman and Steven Harper discuss the events leading up to the First Vision.
One oil painting of Jospeh Smith as a boy.  He wears long, dark trousers with suspenders, white shirt, and carries a stick.  Trees in the background.

Aug 12, 2024

Historical Accounts of the First Vision

Professor Steven Harper discusses different historical accounts of the First Vision.
Joseph Smith, Jr. kneeling in the Sacred Grove as he prays. The Prophet is seen in the background with large trees around him. The image depicts the First Vision.

Aug 13, 2024

Richard Turley, Part 1

Richard E. Turley Jr., assistant Church Historian, discusses the role of Church Historian and methods of recording Church history.
Portrait of Richard E. Turley, Jr., 2007, managing director of the Family and Church History Department.

Aug 13, 2024

Richard Turley, Part 2

Richard E. Turley Jr., assistant Church Historian, continues his discussion about the role of Church Historian and methods of recording Church history.
Portrait of Richard E. Turley, Jr., 2007, managing director of the Family and Church History Department.

Sep 16, 2023

First Principles of the Gospel

Dr. Richard E. Bennett discusses the various ways Joseph Smith Jr. was schooled in the first principles of the gospel.
Joseph Smith seeing Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

Aug 12, 2024

The Joseph Smith Sr. Family

Professor Kyle Walker discusses the family of Joseph Smith Sr.
Portrait of Smith family. All family members are gathered with Joseph Smith Sr. seated in the center.

Aug 13, 2024

The Probation of a Teenage Seer

Dr. Steven Harper discusses Joseph Smith’s growth and spiritual education leading up to receiving the plates.
Joseph Smith depicted kneeling on the Hill Cumorah as the angel Moroni stands above him. The angel Moroni appears dressed in white and surrounded by intense light as he is holding the gold plates. The event took place on September 22, 1827. Painting number 2 of the 23 paintings in the "Mormon Panorama" series.

Aug 12, 2024

Friends and Foes of the Early Church

Historian Larry Porter discusses the friends and the foes of the Church in the Palmyra area.
Martin Harris and Professor Charles Anthon standing together discussing the translation of the Book of Mormon.

Aug 13, 2024

The Restoration of the Priesthood

Historian Larry Porter discusses the restoration of the priesthood.

May 16, 2024

Organization of the Church

Historian Larry Porter discusses the organization of the Church
A group of men and women (including Joseph Smith) kneeling in prayer at the organization of the Church.

Sep 16, 2023

Three Witnesses

Historian Larry Morris discusses the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.
Plaque on the base of the statue of Moroni on the Hill Cumorah.

Sep 17, 2024

The Eight Witnesses

Historian Larry Morris discusses the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.
A black-and-white drawing by Olinda Reynolds of a man standing and holding the gold plates open, with eight men surrounding him and looking down at the plates.

May 16, 2024

Early Missionaries

Some went out with only a few pages of the Book of Mormon. Many left before the Church was officially organized. Historians Richard Bennett and John Livingstone discuss the lives of early missionaries.
Missionaries in Liverpool, England.

May 16, 2024

Lamanite Missions

Historians Richard Bennett and John Livingstone discuss the lives of early missionaries called to preach the gospel to the Lamanintes.
Joseph Smith preaching to a large group of Sac and Fox American Indians on August 12, 1841. The Indians are standing and/or sitting in a large semi-circle around Joseph Smith. Indian tepees are in the background. Joseph Smith, wearing a dark suit, stands with one arm raised above his head. He holds a book in his other hand. A small group of church members are standing behind Joseph Smith. Painting number 12 of the 23 paintings in the "Mormon Panorama" series.

Aug 13, 2024

Gathering in Kirtland

Historian Milton Backman discusses the gathering of the Saints in Kirtland, Ohio. Learn about revelations that were received in the Kirtland area, and learn how the Church began to grow.
19th century LDS Church converts preparing wagons and goods in preparation for the move to Kirtland, Ohio.

Aug 12, 2024

Education in Kirtland

Historian Milton Backman discusses education in Kirtland, Ohio. Learn about the School of the Prophets and how many members of the Church were taught Hebrew and Greek. Learn how the revelation known as "the Word of Wisdom" was received.
Joseph Smith with a paper in his hand talking with men at the School of the Prophets about the Word of Wisdom. Some of the men are smoking or chewing tobacco. Emma Smith is holding a broom or mop.

Aug 13, 2024

The Law of Consecration

To consecrate your time and talents means to make them sacred. Historian Steven Harper discusses the law of consecration, how it was lived in the early days of the Church, and how members of the Church live it today.
Young boy helping an elderly man load a van.

Aug 12, 2024

The United Order

Do you know the difference between the law of consecration and the united order? Historian Steven Harper discusses the united order, its origins, and how it differs from the law of consecration.

Aug 13, 2024

The Kirtland Temple

It was the first temple built in the latter days.  Milton Backman discusses the sacrifice of the Saints in building the Kirtland Temple, and the great spiritual events surrounding its dedication.
The Kirtland Temple with scaffolding on one side. Men and women are mixing plaster to apply over the bricks of the temple.

May 16, 2024

Conflict and Exodus

Shortly after the dedication of the Kirtland Temple the Church experienced a time of great conflict. Milton Backman discusses the events that led to contention, apostasy, and finally an exodus from Kirtland.
Kirtland Ohio with the temple in the backgroud

May 16, 2024

The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible

Professor Brian Hauglid discusses the Joseph Smith translation of the Bible.  Dr. Hauglid talks about the translation processes Joseph Smith went through.  Learn how one young man’s determination in the 20th century helped  make the translation available to us today.
A bible opened to the Joseph Smith Translation section.

May 16, 2024

The Book of Abraham

Professor Brian Hauglid discusses the Book of Abraham. Dr. Hauglid talks about where and when the Egyptian papyri were found and how Joseph Smith came to possess them.
Pearl of Great Price papyri.

Aug 12, 2024

Questions about the Book of Abraham

Professor Brian Hauglid answers questions critics have about the origins of the Book of Abraham.
Known as Facsimile No. 1, which prefaces the Book of Abraham.  Egyptian manuscript once in the possession of Joseph Smith.

Aug 12, 2024

Establishing Zion in Missouri

Dr. Alex Baugh and Dr. Max Parkin discuss the Saints’ arrival in Missouri, the purchase of the temple lot and the dedication of the site.
Landscape painting depicting the site for the LDS temple to be built in Independence, Missouri, and the courthouse in which Joseph Smith, Jr. purchased the temple property. The temple site is depicted in the background of the painting. Also depicted is a log cabin (possibly owned by Newel K. Whitney) next to the courthouse.