Enduring it Well

Enduring It Well
Enduring It Well takes a deeper look at some of life's real challenges and features real people who have endured or are enduring trials well.

Aug 13, 2024

The Rains Descended

In this first episode of Enduring It Well, “The Rains Descended,” we are introduced to the show and its host, W. A. Christensen.Rather than dwell on things they could not do, the Christensens have always emphasized the things their children can do. When we come back from this break, Bill will tell us how, despite their challenges, each of their children excelled in areas of interest - as singers, artists, creative writers, and lovers of life. What can we learn from our trials? Bill will tell how the family found strength in the restored gospel -has a particular love for the Savior's great plan of happiness, and finds GREAT comfort in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Join us after the break for more of this inaugural edition of the Mormon Channel’s new program, Enduring It Well with host W. A. Christensen.
Formal portrait of a family with four children.

Aug 13, 2024

Life's Final Moments

Steve and Earlene Blaser are the parents of eight children. Brady, their fourth child, was born with muscular dystrophy. He passed away in 2002. He lived a lifetime of challenges that forged a bond within the family and sustained them in their time of greatest need…Brady’s final moments. In this episode of Enduring it Well we hear how the gospel of Jesus Christ helped Earlene, Steve, and their children through those slow-motion minutes as Brady finished his earthly journey and began his steps into the eternities. Host W. A. Christensen talks with the Blasers about their emotions, feelings, heartache, and hope experienced at the death of their loved one.
Portrait of a smiling man and woman

Aug 12, 2024

Fighting Fear with Faith

What is fear? What is its purpose? In the early morning hours of June 5, 2002, Ed and Lois Smart of Salt Lake City, Utah, were awakened when their 9-year-old daughter ran in to the bedroom with the news no parent ever wants to hear: their 14-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, had been abducted from the home. In the minutes, hours, weeks, and months that followed, the Smarts were surrounded by fear. Yet they trusted in a feeling of faith that ultimately prevailed! In this episode, host W. A. Christensen interviews Ed and Lois about what got them through and how the gospel of Jesus Christ strengthened them during that time in their lives.
Ed and Lois Smart beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

Finding Purpose When Purpose Has Changed - Suzi Bullock

In this episode of Enduring It Well, Suzi Bullock discusses the joys and challenges of raising a family. Dave and Suzi Bullock have four children, each with varying degrees of health. Mckenzie is their oldest and healthiest daughter. Jake suffers from Primary Immune Deficiency, Sydney struggles with hereditary issues, and young Bailey had cystic fibrosis and a severe case of meningitis. This eventually lead to her death at the tender age of five. The hardship and heartache of dealing with such difficult situations does not hinder the Bullocks from serving the Lord and trusting in His love. Even through sadness and pain, the parents focus their love on their children through wholesome activities, the gospel, and music… ultimately finding purpose when purpose has changed.
A smiling woman beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

Forgiveness Brings Peace

The wrong choices of one changed the lives of many one snowy winter’s morning. Young husband and father Jordan Rasmussen, an accountant for a popular canyon restaurant near Salt Lake City, was meeting to discuss some inconsistencies he had discovered in the bank accounts with the manager. Jordan’s discovery resulted in the young LDS father being brutally murdered by the manager. Hear how widow DeAnn Rasmussen Kilgore raised her children without their father and what she did to lessen the impact of bitterness and revenge by learning the value of forgiveness. Jordan’s sister Diane tells the struggles the family had with her brother’s tragic murder and how they eventually found peace and were able to forgive. Chad visited his father’s killer in prison before he left on his mission, forgiving the man. Hear how that meeting resulted in a touching story of restitution. Today’s story of forgiveness, including Chad’s meeting and the resulting restitution, is an inspiration to anyone needing, seeking, or giving forgiveness.
The Rasmussen family beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

Out of the Blue

Learning how one deals with hard situations that come “out of the blue” can be faith-inspiring. In this episode, Catherine Herrod shares her trial of dealing with the death of her spouse. The young family was involved in a tragic semi-truck accident. Kimball, her spouse, did not survive. Left as a 28-year-old widow to raise four children, Catherine opted not to give up. She now moves forward in faith, service, and love in the memory of her husband. Her testimony of Jesus Christ offers a healing influence which helps her look forward to being with her spouse again in the eternities.
Catherine Herrod beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

One Step at a Time (Dr. Dale Hull)

How can hardship lead to peace, contentment and appreciation for life? Dr. Dale Hull knows. He experienced a spinal cord injury because of a trampoline accident in 1999, which left him a quadriplegic. After two and a half years of intense therapy, Dr. Hull walked the Olympic Torch during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. He formed the Hull Foundation in November of 2003 to help others with spinal cord injuries. Experiencing a life-changing event has given Dr. Hull a greater awareness of his blessings. He can see the hand of the Lord in his, and all of our lives.
Dale Hull lighting the Olympic torch with Utah Jazz player Karl Malone..

Aug 13, 2024

Triumph over Pain - Carolyn Miller

Pain is an inevitable and integral part of human existence. Although it is hard, it teaches us how to love and appreciate what we have in our lives. In this episode of Enduring It Well, host W. A. Christensen speaks with Carolyn Miller about a debilitating disorder and about never giving up. She attributes her success to the scriptures, the love and support of her husband, Lynn, and the gospel of Jesus Christ, which ultimately taught her to have faith and to be always grateful.
Carolyn Miller beside a radio microphone.

Aug 12, 2024

Beauty’s True Depth - Meg Johnson

Meg Johnson was a beautiful young dancer who had her career and whole life ahead of her. She went hiking one day in the beautiful red rocks of Southern Utah. Meg and her friends were jumping from large boulder to large boulder when Meg’s vision was impaired by the evening sun, just as she jumped. She realized in the air that she had jumped off a 30-foot cliff! When she landed, her life changed forever. Her back was broken and she became a paraplegic. Since then she has organized the largest pageant in the United States -- the Miss Wheelchair Utah Pageant, which also includes a young girls competition called “Hot Wheels.” While naturally beautiful, Meg’s true inner beauty is her most attractive attribute. Join us as we look at "Beauty’s True Depth."
Meg Johnson beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

I Am Not Afraid - Jenny Wiscomb

In this episode of Enduring It Well, host W. A. Christensen speaks with Jenny Wiscomb on how adversity can change a life in an instant. They discuss how these moments, for better or for worse, ultimately shape our characters and our faith. Jenny is a faithful Christian who has been married for 23 years and has two children. She has recently been diagnosed with a rare form of malignant cancer called Leiomyosarcoma. Treatment with chemotherapy was successful, but the cancer returned full force and became resistant and completely untreatable. In a heartbreaking moment, she and her family decide to allow the cancer to naturally run its course, which will result in her eventual death. Although initially devastated by her diagnosis, Jenny continues to love and forgive others and enjoy what time she has left on Earth. She knows she will only be away temporarily from her husband and children. The gospel has shaped her into who she is, and physical death is but a gateway into much greater horizons.
Jenny Wiscomb and a man beside a radio microphone.

Aug 12, 2024

We Travel Not Alone - Harold Wood

Harold Wood is an elderly member of the Church who lives alone in a small apartment. Having served faithfully in the temple for over 15 years, hear how Harold found peace in his life and a sure defense against loneliness “by serving with his friends in the House of the Lord.”
Harold Wood beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

Diversity's Adversities - James Johnson

In this episode of Enduring It Well, host W. A. Christensen speaks with four teenagers and middle school instructor James Johnson on surviving and facilitating better school environments, dealing with prejudice and hate, and traversing through the adversities of adolescence. The students discuss how to avoid temptation and keep their thoughts, words, and actions pure in a world which encourages sin and rebellion. James further supplements the students’ comments by expounding on the merits of a proper learning environment and reducing ridicule in schools. By living the gospel and seeking good friends, we can lift ourselves high and receive strength to live a good life.
James Johnson beside a radio microphone.

Aug 12, 2024

Jesus Christ Endured For Us - Dr. Andrew Skinner and Dr. Kevin Merkley

In this special Easter episode of Enduring It Well, host W.A. Christensen speaks with Theologian Dr. Andrew Skinner and Kevin Merkley, M.D. on the spiritual and physical ramifications of the atonement of Jesus Christ. The Savior was sent to Earth to be the ultimate sacrifice for every creature that ever lived or would live. The atonement not only covered the sins of mankind, but the sorrow, misery, and injustices as well. Christ bled from every pore on his body in the garden of Gethsemane and knows better than all what we endure in life. In his final moments, he suffered seven-inch spikes hammered through the nerves in his hands and feet on the cross. In the end, he descended below all things so that he could rise up as our perfect Savior.
Two men beside a radio microphone.

Aug 12, 2024

That We May See - Macy Lewis

In this episode of “Enduring It Well,” host W.A. Christensen speaks with Macy Lewis about living and moving forward in a world she literally cannot see. Relying on her other senses to help her through the days has taught her humility and patience. She achieved a normal life with wholesome activities including song and dance, and was later crowned homecoming queen at her high school. Despite the odds stacked against her, she has persevered with unwavering faith in God and continues to live life to the fullest.
A young woman (Macy Lewis) wearing a pink gown and Homecoming Queen sash.

Aug 12, 2024

Remaining Steadfast in Strife - Werner Schmidt and Margot Sadowski

W.A. Christensen interviews Werner Schmidt and Margot Sadowski about remaining steadfast through extreme situations. As a young man, Werner was drafted into Hitler’s Army as Germany was losing World War II. Werner became a prisoner of war and was held in a camp in Great Britain until the war’s end. Margot Moeller Sadowski shares her vivid memories and recalls the devastation of the Allied bombing of Hamburg and the fear it created. She recalls a peace and serenity in her home.
A man and a woman (Werner Schmidt and Morgot Sadowski) beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

Being The Good Samaritan - Bernson Family

Siblings Greg Bernson, Cappey Jones, and Stephanie Kirk have spent a lifetime organizing service—home makeovers, financial assistance, and other acts of service to those in need. During this episode of Enduring It Well, the Bernson siblings share ideas on how to “go and do likewise” as the Savior taught. We learn the importance of service by example, as they learned from their service-oriented parents. They teach us that giving service means giving of our time, resources, and love.
A man and two women in front of a fireplace.

Aug 13, 2024

Liberty's Sacrifice - Amanda Blount

In this episode of Enduring It Well, Amanda Blount shares with host W. A. Christensen her story about losing her husband, Anthony, in Iraq. Amanda was 8 months pregnant with their daughter, Avery, when her husband was killed. Amanda teaches Avery about her father and knows that they will all be together again one day, and she bears strong testimony of the plan of salvation. This episode, “Liberty’s Sacrifice,” illustrates that the price of liberty is high for the loved ones of those lost during service. The servicemen and women, as well as their families, are all heroes.
A woman (Amanda Blount) holding an American flag and crying.

Aug 12, 2024

Addictions Afflictions - Mike Bennett

In this episode of Enduring It Well, host W. A. Christensen interviews Mike Bennett about "Addictions' Afflictions." Mike is currently serving as a facilitator in the LDS Family Services Addiction Recovery Program. He himself has experienced the affliction of being addicted. He discusses how yielding to the natural man affects our progression on the eternal path back to our Heavenly Father. Mike provides hope to those dealing with addiction.
A man beside a radio microphone.

Aug 13, 2024

Left Behind by Suicide - Crockett Family

In this episode of Enduring It Well, David and Jane Crockett, along with their daughter Amy Crockett Staley, discuss ways the gospel of Jesus Christ helps individuals and families who have been left behind by suicide. Their son and brother, Dave, battled clinical depression for most of his life and eventually took his own life in 2005. He was 25 years old. The Crocketts choose to focus on and remember the life that their son led, rather than focus on his death. Together, David and Jane Crockett served as program coordinators in the LDS Family Services' substance abuse program for over five years. The Crocketts are positive, upbeat examples of trusting in God's love for all His children.
A family in front of a fireplace.

Aug 12, 2024

Great View From Down Here - Jason Hokanson

Jason Hokanson, who is a paraplegic, tells his story of having his back broken in an auto accident at age 15 while his family was driving to Lake Powell. Now a husband, father, and professional wheelchair basketball player for the NBA Wheelin' Jazz, he has worked as a news producer in television. Jason's optimism touches all who know him.
A man (Jason Hokanson) in a wheelchair playing basketball

Aug 13, 2024

Parenting the Parent

Kathy Madsen and Rosiland Hoggan speak to host W. A. Christensen about their experiences in caring for the elderly. The responsibility is challenging yet rewarding. Sample discussion topics include praying for guidance on important decisions, visiting the elderly in a rest home, maintaining dignity, dealing with falls and broken bones, overseeing and dispensing medication, and meeting spiritual needs. The guests share tips and tricks that they have learned through the years. They also share sweet testimonies of the privilege of being part of their loved ones' final years.
Two women (Kathy Madsen and Rosiland Hoggan) beside a radio microphone.

Aug 12, 2024

Be of Good Cheer

Jason Christensen, a 23-year-old returned missionary, suffers from chronic pain due to spine injury and progressive muscular dystrophy. He talks with his father, our host W. A. Christensen, on this episode of Enduring It Well. They discuss what pain really does to a person and how, even when the pain seems unbearable, you can keep your perspective positive.
A young man (Jason Christensen) in a swimming pool

Aug 12, 2024

Nursing the Will to Live

Joy Jacobsen has worked in Child Life at Primary Children's Medical Center (Salt Lake City) for 25 years and is our guest for "Nursing the Will to Live," this episode of Enduring It Well. She speaks with host W. A. Christensen about caring for a loved one and describes what non-trained parents, siblings, children, and friends can do to tend to the needs of someone in need physically.
A woman beside a radio microphone.

Aug 12, 2024

Bear Their Infirmities

On this episode of Enduring It Well, Host W. A. Christensen speaks with guests Delayne and Brendon Dayton about Delayne's struggle with cancer and how that affects the entire family. They talk about our responsibilities as Church members to "bear one another's burdens, that they may be light" (Mosiah 18:8). Bearing one another's burdens is a key part of being true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Portrait of a family in the woods.