Rootstech 2023
Gospel Living

It’s not just about dusty, ancient records.

02/21/23 | 1 min read
RootsTech is also about your past, present, and future!

Are you recording your own personal history? You probably are without even realizing it!

Every time you write about your day, take a picture, or post on social media, you’re preserving details about your life. You’re saving memories. You’re making history!

If you haven’t yet, go here to check out the classes offered at RootsTech, which will be March 2–4, 2023. There will be classes about creating your own history and discovering the history of your ancestors.

What would your great-great-grandpa have shared on social media if it had been around? Hmm …

Pick One Class

Register for and pick one class to plan on watching. Add it to your calendar so you won’t forget to tune in!
