Since when does a shepherd sound like a car horn
Gospel Living

It’s a cute story about sheep.

10/27/22 | 1 min read
With a deeper meaning!

Are you learning to drive? Imagine driving with a bunch of sheep in your back seat!

That’s just what Vern did every day for many years. He grew up on a ranch in Montana, USA, where his family had about 300 sheep.

Sometimes, when a mother sheep had more than one lamb, she wouldn’t take care of all of them. Vern’s job was to care for those forgotten lambs.

Every day, he would drive to the pasture in his small blue Volkswagen Beetle. The lambs would be scattered all over the field, but when he honked his horn, they recognized the sound and came running.

They would jump into the back of the car, then Vern would drive them to the barn and feed them!

You are like one of those little lambs. Wherever you live and whatever challenges you face, the Savior is calling out to you. Learn to recognize His voice, trust Him, and come unto Him. He will always lead you to nourishment, joy, and safety!

Your Shepherd’s Voice

When have you recognized the Savior’s voice and love in your life? If you want, share your story with us at


Adapted from Vern P. Stanfill, “Sheep and Their Shepherd,” Friend, December 2019, 26–27.
