Gospel Living Pre-Conference Prep
Gospel Living

Is your notebook ready?

03/31/22 | 1 min read
General conference begins tomorrow!

Let’s prepare for the spiritual feast by creating a special place to record our personal revelation.

You could print a conference notebook here, or decorate a notebook of your own. If you already write in a journal, you could set aside certain pages—and maybe decorate them somehow—to be specifically about conference.

Maybe you’d rather illustrate your thoughts instead of writing words. That’s great! Anything counts, as long as it helps you keep track of what the Spirit is telling your mind and heart.

General conference will be held Saturday, April 6 and Sunday, April 7. Here’s more info about when and how to tune in!

Share Your System

What type of note-taking works for you? Tell us at youth@churchofjesuschrist.org with “Gospel Living” in the subject line.
