Young Women Theme
Gospel Living

How much can you learn from one sentence?

05/24/22 | 1 min read
Apparently quite a bit!

In the recent women’s session of general conference, Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles talked about the Young Women theme. It’s packed with doctrine and truths. (Hang on, guys; these truths apply to you too!)

Here are four truths we can learn from just the first sentence:

  1. You are a beloved daughter (or son).
    God loves you perfectly—not because of anything you do or don’t do, but simply because you are His child. You can feel His love through the Holy Ghost.
  2. You have heavenly parents.
    We don’t know much about our Mother in Heaven. But we do know that we’re created “in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother,”1 and “our highest aspiration is to be like them.”2null You can learn more here!null
  3. You have a divine nature.
    We have godliness in our spiritual genes! We can become like God one day. This is the most important thing about your identity: that you are a child of God.
  4. You have an eternal destiny.
    Mortality is just one part of our story. If we follow the path Jesus Christ showed us, we can receive eternal life! “Endings are not our destiny.”3

Wow. That is one powerful sentence!

Memorization Challenge

Can you memorize this sentence? What other parts of the Young Women theme or Aaronic Priesthood theme can you memorize?


Adapted from “Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny” by Elder Dale G. Renlund.

1. “The Origin of Man,” Improvement Era 13, no. 1 (Nov. 1909): 78, in Gospel Topics, “Mother in Heaven,”
2. Dallin H. Oaks, “Apostasy and Restoration,” general conference, Apr. 1995.
3. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Grateful in Any Circumstances,” general conference, Apr. 2014.
