Taide’s Conference Experience
Gospel Living

Here’s what Taide liked.

05/21/22 | 1 min read
What about you?

Taide loves general conference, and this April was no exception!

As she put it, “I can receive revelation and guidance from Heavenly Father so that I can become the best person that I can be.”

Here are four things Taide especially enjoyed:

  1. Common themes. “I loved how much there was about spiritual momentum and our relationship with God. I felt the Spirit throughout all of the sessions!”
  2. The women’s session. “It had just what I needed to hear. I loved Elder Renlund’s talk about the Young Women theme and what it truly meant.”
  3. Family connection. “My family really comes together during conference. Even my three-year-old brother sat and watched the whole thing!”
  4. More temple announcements! “It makes me so happy that there are more and more temples being built all over the world so that others can experience the joy, love, and spirit that you can feel there.”

What made general conference meaningful to you? You can always share with us at youth@ChurchofJesusChrist.org!

Conference Refresher

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