10 Reasons to Register for FSY

Have you signed up yet?

04/25/22 | 1 min read
Here’s why you should!

We have some exciting news. On April 20, registration for FSY will be open to youth in all stakes in the U.S. and Canada—even those whose stakes are not officially scheduled until next year. Tap here to register, or ask your local leaders for more information!

What are some of the top reasons to go to FSY? To...

10. Learn crazy dance moves.

9. Play new games.

8. Show off your talents in the variety show.

7. Sing your heart out in a musical program.

6. Build your daily scripture study habits.

5. Strengthen your testimony in awesome classes.

4. Experience uplifting firesides and devotionals.

3. Spend a week in a faith-filled environment.

2. Make new friends in your area with similar beliefs.

1. Increase your faith in Jesus Christ—the most important reason of all!

Spread the Word

What can you do to encourage your friends to come with you to FSY? The more the merrier!
