Katrina from Youth Conference
Gospel Living

Gratitude and hope are powerful.

09/29/22 | 1 min read
Just ask Katrina!

Katrina K. from Florida, USA, knows about the power of positive thinking.

For example, when she was younger, she prayed to Heavenly Father to have sisters. And then her parents adopted another girl! Not all of our desires are answered that immediately. But righteous hope can sustain us in amazing ways.

While at a conference for deaf youth, Katrina explained that gratitude helps her have a good attitude.

“Be grateful for what you do have,” she said. “Pray and think positively. Aim positive thoughts towards what you’re hoping for.”

Katrina has seen that when she dwells on negative thoughts, it’s more difficult to feel the Holy Ghost.

“He’s your companion. He’s your partner. But you have to invite Him into a positive environment.” That doesn’t mean you have to be happy in order to feel the Spirit—it just means that hearing His message will be easier when you fill your mind with uplifting things.

So keep hoping. Keep praying. “Whether you’re happy or sad or anything, God will help you,” Katrina said. “He will understand your feelings and try to help you.”

It’s simple, but positively true!

Gratitude List

What’s something you’re grateful for today? Write it down in your journal! Then try to do that for a few days in a row and see what you notice!
