Meeting the Savior
Gospel Living

Going through a hard time?

07/11/22 | 1 min read
Here are a few encouraging quotes.

Elder Patrick Kearon’s talk during this past general conference was a powerful one. And while he was talking specifically about overcoming the effects of abuse, much of what he said can be helpful for any trial.

As you read these quotes, imagine him—or any Church leader you feel especially connected with—giving you a pep talk to face your current challenges. They love you! And most importantly, your Savior does too.

  • “You can survive. You have in fact already been rescued; you have already been saved—by the One who has suffered the very torment you are suffering.”
  • “You are not defined by these terrible things that have been done to you. You are, in glorious truth, defined by your eternally existing identity as a son or daughter of God.”
  • “Our merciful Savior, victorious over darkness and depravity, has power to right all wrongs, a life-giving truth for those wronged by others.”

Jesus Christ hasn’t just experienced all of your pain—He has overcome it (see John 16:33 and Doctrine and Covenants 76:107). That means He can help you overcome them too. So don’t give up! Things will get better. You are never alone.

Editor’s note: If you’re dealing with abuse or mental health concerns, find resources in your country here.

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Copy some of your favorite uplifting quotes to hang in places where you’ll see them often. Lots of us are cheering you on!


Elder Patrick Kearon is a member of the Quorum of the Seventy. This is from his talk during the April 2022 general conference, “He Is Risen with Healing in His Wings: We Can Be More Than Conquerors.”
