Gospel Living

God can help you find meaning in your suffering.

08/03/22 | 1 min read
A thought from the book of Job.

One of the main messages of the book of Job is something you might have noticed: bad things can STILL happen to good people! Here are some modern examples:

  • President Russell M. Nelson lost a daughter to cancer and a wife to sudden heart failure.
  • Elder D. Todd Christofferson once faced financial ruin.
  • One of President Bonnie H. Cordon’s young grandsons died unexpectedly during a family vacation.

It’s important to realize that although scriptures are full of examples of the wicked being punished, that doesn’t mean every negative experience is a punishment from God. The Lord often allows us to experience hard things in order to teach us, give us experience, and help us become more compassionate of others who are suffering (see Doctrine and Covenants 122). Trials do not mean He loves us any less!

When something bad happens, it’s natural to want to know why. But sometimes—a lot of times—we don’t get that answer in this life. So it can be more helpful to focus instead on turning our heart to the Savior.

The next time you go through something really hard, ask the Lord for help to endure it. Ask Him what He wants you to learn from it. Ask Him for comfort and perspective. He will be there for you, as He was for Job and countless others!

A Story Close to Home

Ask a faithful parent or leader about a time they went through a hard experience. What helped them get through it?
