Argentina: Scripture Study
Gospel Living

Finish the year spiritually strong!

06/11/22 | 1 min read
A few ideas to energize your scripture study.

We’re about halfway through our study of the Old Testament! How’s your Come, Follow Me reading going?

It’s never too late to try and have a better experience. Here are some ideas you could try:

  1. Include a friend. Ask others if you can talk about what you read. Discussing things as a group can help you get more insights.
  2. Make a schedule. Some people read the chapters throughout the week. Others read them early on and ponder them throughout the week. Try to find what works best for you, and set reminders to help you stick with it.
  3. Keep a journal. Write down some of your thoughts as you study, or draw something you learned.
  4. Pray, pray, pray. Not sure what will help you the most? Ask Heavenly Father about it! Then try different things and pay attention to what seems right.

You can probably come up with a whole bunch of other great ideas for getting the most out of your scripture study. Let’s help each other make the last half of this year spiritually awesome!

Pick One to Try

Pick something from this list to try, then email and let us know how it goes!
