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Gospel Living

Finding your “new normal”?

03/15/22 | 1 min read
Here are four tips for moving forward.

The past couple of years have been full of extra challenges! But we can handle hard things, right? Especially with the Lord’s help.

Here are four ideas to keep in mind as we all adjust to the “new normal” of life beyond the pandemic.

New York

1. Show Up

Show up for life! Go outside. Say “yes” to trying new activities. When it’s safe to do so, get together with others again.

2. Reconnect

Encourage your friendships to flourish. Truly listen to others. Ask about their accomplishments, interests, challenges, and worries.

3. Turn to God

As you make changes to adapt to an evolving social life, let go of bad habits and weave positive thoughts and uplifting routines into your day. President Russell M. Nelson said, “Today we often hear about ‘a new normal.’ If you really want to embrace a new normal, I invite you to turn your heart, mind, and soul increasingly to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Let that be your new normal.”1

4. Be Patient

Speaking of that “new normal,” it’s OK if adjusting takes a minute. Or many! Be patient with yourself and others. For example, some people may feel anxious when gathering for the first time after being told to stay distanced for so long. If you find that you are worried a lot of the time, talk to an adult about how you feel. You don’t have to go through it alone.

Bottom line? Have faith and keep moving forward. Jesus Christ is with us every step of the way!

Chile: Family Life

What Helps You?

What has helped you adjust to life with COVID? Email us at with “Gospel Living” in the subject line.


Article adapted from “Life with COVID-19 and Beyond” in the Feb. 2022 For the Strength of Youth magazine.

1. From “A New Normal,” general conference, Oct. 2020.
