Esther and the King
Gospel Living

Fasting is a key part of Esther’s story.

07/26/22 | 1 min read
It can invite miracles into your life too!

Hopefully your Come, Follow Me studies are helping you become more familiar with Esther’s epic saga. But just in case, here’s a quick recap!

It starts out sounding kind of like a fairy tale: one day, an orphan was chosen to marry a king. There’s even a wicked villain—a guy named Haman who sneakily convinced the king to create a law saying that all Jews will be put to death on a certain day.

Which was really awkward for Esther, because she was Jewish! Apparently the king didn’t know that.

Esther needed to try and convince him to change the decree somehow, but back then you didn’t just walk up to the king and strike up a conversation. You had to be approved to talk (and hope he didn’t get irritated and sentence you to death).

So what did Esther do? She decided to call on a power greater than the king’s: she decided to ask God for help. She asked her maidens and the Jews in the land to fast with her. After three days of fasting, she went to the king and …

… suspenseful pause …

…“obtained favour in his sight” (Esther 5:2). Whew! This meant she was allowed to approach and speak to him. In the end, the Jewish people survived extermination thanks to Esther’s courage.

Why is fasting so powerful?

  1. Fasting is a kind of sacrifice. When we’re willing to let go of something we value—like food and water for two consecutive meals—we show God that He’s more important to us than those things.
  2. It encourages humility. Fasting usually makes a person feel physically weak, which can be a good reminder that God has the ultimate power. Also, we pray while fasting, which turns our focus to God.
  3. There are specific blessings attached to the law of the fast. When we’re obedient to God’s commandments, we qualify for certain blessings described in scriptures like Isaiah 58:6.

Fasting can be a powerful part of your life story too! When you invite His Spirit to be with you, He will work miracles according to His will.

A Purposeful Fast

Next fast Sunday, fast with a specific purpose in mind—for someone who needs help, for getting answers to a question—whatever is on your mind!
