Cusco, Peru: Young Men Giving Service
Gospel Living

Elder Soares talks about a time his family needed help.

09/06/22 | 1 min read
You can be an angel to others!

During their first snowy winter after moving from their beloved (and warm) country of Brazil to Utah, USA, Elder Ulisses Soares and his family experienced challenge after challenge.

He had recently broken his wrist, meaning he needed surgery and had to wear a large cast on his arm. His wife got a double ear infection from the cold and was nearly deaf for multiple months. His son injured his back and was bedridden. How could they get help?

As Elder Soares explained: “Often the Savior will direct others into our lives to help bring us the peace and comfort we need in times of trial. These blessed people feel to us like angels sent from heaven, for surely they are.”

Sometimes it is our turn to accept help from others. At other times, we are the helpers! Here are some blessings that come from service:

  • Greater Christlike love for others
  • Hope that things will work out
  • A more eternal perspective
  • Feelings of peace, light, and renewed strength
  • A closer relationship with Jesus Christ

You can read the rest of the story about Elder Soares and his family here!

Service Check

Are you working on any goals right now that have to do with service? How are they coming along?


Adapted from “Jesus Christ Offers Hope” from the September 2022 For the Strength of Youth magazine.
