Caring for Our Bodies
Gospel Living

Did you know “mountain climbers” are an exercise?

10/28/21 | 1 min read
(Not just a term for adventurous explorers.)

Growing our faith takes work. Then, over time, it sprouts like a small mustard seed. Well, guess what? Our physical health works the same way. We can be healthy and strong if we patiently and consistently take care of our bodies.

Here’s how to do an exercise called a “mountain climber”:

  1. Rest your weight on your hands and toes as if in a push-up.
  2. While holding that position, pull your right knee toward your chest.
  3. Then switch legs and pull your left knee toward your chest.

You’ve done it! These can help you get ready to climb those outdoor mountains too!

Physical Goals

What physical fitness goals are you working on? Maybe now would be a good time to check your progress!

Note: This is part of a series about basic exercises that don’t require fancy gym equipment.
