Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Gospel Living

Daniel makes the most out of a bad situation.

11/02/22 | 1 min read
A thought about Daniel 1–6.

Imagine you were taken captive to a foreign land, where the culture and religion were totally different from what you were used to. It might be hard to keep living your beliefs, don’t you think? Well, this is what Daniel was experiencing as a teenager, and he didn’t let it stop him from living the gospel as best he could.

Ultimately, Daniel impressed his leaders with his courage and intelligence. He was put in a position of trust where he could help powerful people—an opportunity he probably wouldn’t have had if he hadn’t been taken captive. The Lord was helping him turn his trials into an opportunity to do good!

Sound familiar? It should. That summary also describes:

  • Moses, whose adoption put him in a place of power in Egypt (see Exodus 2).
  • Joseph, whose slavery enabled him to save his family (see Genesis 37–50).
  • Esther, whose courage amid persecution saved her people (see the book of Esther).

These people found themselves able to do a lot of good in situations they wished they hadn’t been in to begin with. You know the saying “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? The Lord is very good at that! He can help us find value and meaning even in hard times.

Maybe next time life gets tough, instead of asking, “Why me?,” try asking: “What does Heavenly Father want me to learn? How can I use my experiences to help others?” Making the most out of a bad situation can help you cope until circumstances change.

Story Hunt

Find a story from your family’s history about someone who made the most of a hard situation. Create artwork about it, or share the story with your family or class.
