Gospel Living

Are you trying to do God’s work?

27 Nov 2024 | 1 min read
2024 Quick Thought from Come Follow Me
Your efforts are enough!

Mormon intended to include the Jaredite history in the Book of Mormon, but evidently died before he could write it. That left it in the hands of his son, Moroni, who felt inadequate for the task.

In Ether chapter 12, Moroni recounts how he worried that he wouldn’t do a good enough job—either in choosing the words to use, accurately engraving them on the plates, or both. He was very concerned that his “weakness” and “awkwardness” would hinder the Lord’s work (Ether 12:23–25).

The Lord’s response was a great promise for Moroni and for all of us.

“If [people] humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them” (Ether 12:27).

The Lord acknowledges Moroni’s weakness. Notice He doesn’t contradict him about his writing or engraving skills, and He admits that some people will indeed mock the Book of Mormon. But He also says it doesn’t matter. He says that He will help Moroni get better—and, besides, the meek will accept the truth anyway, regardless of how well it’s written!

Some of you might be getting callings or ministering assignments for the very first time. If you’re worried about doing a good job, know that the Lord loves effort and will help you as He helped Moroni.

Pray for Help

What weaknesses are you struggling with? For the next couple of weeks, pray extra hard for help. What do you feel the Lord would have you do?

Note: This is part of a weekly series exploring the “Come, Follow Me” lessons. You can find the full lessons here.

27 Nov 2024 | 1 min read