Gospel Living

A restaurant, a conversation, and a prompting.

12/06/22 | 1 min read
Imagine this.

You’re at a restaurant and you overhear a conversation at another table. A girl is talking about two men she met who offered to talk to her about God. She says that she’s been meeting with the missionaries for a few weeks and wants to be baptized.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” one of the girl’s friends says, then starts asking hard questions about the Church.

The girl starts to look uncomfortable. “I don’t know everything yet,” she says. “But I still want to get baptized. I just want your support.”

What would you do?

This situation happened to Justin and his friend! After overhearing the conversation, they felt like they should speak up.

So before they left, they walked over and said, “We hate to interrupt, but we overheard that you’ve decided to be baptized! We are members of the Church and want you to know that you are making the best decision of your life. Keep reading and praying about the Book of Mormon.”

Fast forward one year.

Justin was at church when the teacher told a story about his fiancée. One day, she went to a restaurant with some friends. She told them she was praying about getting baptized, and then she was frustrated when they weren’t supportive.

Then two members of the Church approached her and boldly shared their testimonies. That was an answer to her prayers.

Looking back on this experience, Justin said, “I am so grateful that my friend and I listened to the prompting to speak up and to stand for what’s right.”

Ready to Speak Up?

You never know when God will need you to speak up about the gospel. What would you say? You could role-play different situations with a friend!


Adapted from Justin Chancellor, “Stand for What’s Right,” For the Strength of Youth magazine, December 2022.
