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Welfare Resources Website Frequently Asked Questions

Who can prepare orders for food and supplies?

By default, the Relief Society president, the bishop, and his counselors are authorized to prepare orders. The bishop can identify additional adult members of the ward to assist as needed. These members are added to the system as preparers and are able to view only the orders assigned to them.

The bishop can add members as preparers under the “Settings” tab.

How do I add preparers?

Only the bishop can add preparers. He does so by navigating to the  “Settings”  tab and finding the “Available Preparers” section. Here, he selects Add a preparer and chooses a person from a list of adult ward members.

For more detailed instructions, see “Available Preparers” in the “Settings” help article.

How do I change notification settings?

By default, preparers receive notifications when orders need to be prepared, bishops receive notifications when preparers submit orders for approval, and recipients receive notifications when their orders are approved if their notification information is included on the order.

If you do not wish to receive notifications by text or email, you may select the option I will instruct preparers and others to notify me under the “Settings” tab. When this option is selected, the system will not send you any notifications.

How can I copy food and supply quantities from a previous order?

If a recipient has received an order in the past, you can re-create the previous order using the Copy previous quantities button found at the top right of the food order. You may then update the order as needed.

Help Center:

How do I complete an order for a nonmember?

In the Recipient bar, click Recipient is not in this list, and enter the recipient’s information into the form. Then complete the order as usual.

How do I print a copy of the order form?

Click + ___ Order at the top right of any page.

Initiate the order by adding the recipient’s name and the number of people in the household.

If needed, click the Print language field, and choose the preferred language.

Click Print. The printable PDF will appear in the Downloads section of your browser, usually found at the bottom of the browser window.

Is there an online menu planner?

The two-week menu planner that was previously printed on the back of the form Bishop’s Order for Commodities—Food and Supplies (PD33585) is no longer available.

How can I make changes once I submit an order?

When an order is submitted to the bishop for approval, it appears in the Orders in Process list in “Needs approval” status. The Relief Society president and bishopric members can find this list under the “Orders” tab. Preparers can find it on their list of orders in process.

If an order has not yet been approved (i.e., the status is “Needs approval”), an authorized preparer can find it on his or her list of orders and modify it by clicking on the order to open and edit it. Once changes are made, he or she can resubmit the order by clicking the Submit for Approval button.

Once an order is approved, the order status changes to “Ready to be filled.” It stays in this status until the staff begins to fill the order. While an order is in “Ready to be filled” status, the bishop or one of his counselors can open the order, scroll to the bottom of the form, and choose the Revert to Needs Approval button. This will cancel the prior approval action and change the order status to “Needs approval.” An authorized preparer can then make modifications to the order and resubmit for approval.

If the order status has changed to “In progress,” the order is already being processed and can no longer be changed.

How do I choose a pickup location?

Note: Pickup locations apply only to orders from bishops’ storehouses, not to orders from Deseret Industries.

By default, bishops’ storehouse orders can be picked up from any bishops’ storehouse. Some storehouses that service large areas deliver food orders to locations closer to recipients. These delivery locations are listed in the  Pickup Location  menu on the order form. When preparing the order, select the best pickup location for the recipient from the drop-down menu.

If a pickup location is selected, the order must be picked up at that location on the date and at the time indicated on the order form.

Bishops may select a default pickup location for their ward under the  “Settings”  tab. If he selects a default pickup location, all orders initiated for the unit will default to that location.

How do I fix the pickup location if I forgot to choose it before submitting or approving an order?

Pickup locations apply only to orders from bishops’ storehouses. Refer to these sections above: “How can I make changes once I submit an order?” and “How do I choose a pickup location?”

How do I cancel an order?

If an order has not yet been approved, it can be deleted. An authorized preparer can open an order and press the Delete button at the bottom of the page.

If the bishop has approved an order but the status has not yet changed to “In progress,” the bishop or one of his counselors can cancel the order by opening it, scrolling to the bottom of the form, and clicking the  Cancel  button.

Will an order expire if it is not picked up right away?

Orders will expire typically between 45 and 90 days after an order is approved. (Specific expiration dates are specified by area.) Expired orders cannot be recovered. If the recipient needs assistance after an order expires, a new order must be initiated and approved. (See “How can I copy quantities from a previous order?” above for one way to simplify this process.)