Step by Step

Search, View, or Edit Orders

Leaders can search, view, or edit orders under the “Orders” tab. This section explains how to do so.


To search orders, navigate to the “Orders” tab and type the name or order number into the keywords search bar, then choose Apply. Use the drop-down menus to filter results by date or order status.


The “Orders in Process” section lists all orders that are being prepared, approved, or filled. This section includes order statuses, recipient names, preparer names, and relevant dates. To view more details about an order, open it by clicking on it.


Orders in the Orders in Process list can be edited by the designated preparer or authorized leaders while they are in “Initiated,” “Assigned to preparer,” or “Needs approval” status. After an order is approved, the order status changes to “Ready to be filled.” The order stays in this status until the staff begins to fill the order. While an order is in “Ready to be filled” status, the bishop or one of his counselors can open the order, scroll to the bottom of the form, and choose the Revert to Needs Approval button. This will cancel the prior approval action and change the order status to “Needs approval.” An authorized preparer can then make modifications to the order and resubmit for approval.