Step by Step

Misprinted Checks


If a check prints incorrectly in LCR, do the following:

Cut the signatures out of the printed check, and destroy the piece containing the signatures. Keep the rest of the check and check stub with the expense documents for that expense batch. You will need this for the auditors. Keep it for three years plus the current year in the United States or five years plus the current year in Canada. For other countries, follow guidelines from the assigned administrative office.

Void the check in LCR by doing the following:

  1. On the LCR menu bar, click Finance.
  2. Click View/Update Expenses.
  3. Click the link for the check number you need to void. Note: If the check number is not listed in LCR, no further action is needed.
  4. Click Void.
  5. A window appears listing the reasons for which you may void the check. Click Continue.
  6. Enter the reason you are voiding the check. Click OK.

Voided checks appear on the View/Update Expenses screen with three asterisks (***) before the reference number.