Step by Step

Local Unit Budget Instructions for Organization Leaders

Policy and Principles

Every stake and ward prepares and operates on a budget. The stake president manages the stake budget, and the bishop manages the ward budget, though each may assign a counselor to supervise it under his direction. Each may also assign a clerk to help prepare and monitor the budget.

Funds are sent from Church headquarters and received by stakes and wards. Most stakes and wards receive budget funds every three months. Stakes determine the distribution of the entire budget amount for the stake and all its wards unless directed otherwise by area authorities. Stake presidencies and bishoprics begin preparing budgets well before the beginning of each calendar year as follows:

  1. Review the amounts spent during the previous year to make sure that recurring expenses are considered.
  2. Ask organizations to estimate their budget needs amount needed in detail for all approved activities for the year.
  3. Compile the budget, using wise budgeting practices, being equitable, and ensuring that projected expenses do not exceed anticipated budget allowance funds.

The budget allowance program provides general Church funds to pay for the activities and programs of stakes and wards. It eliminates the need to receive budget contributions from members. Faithful payment of tithes has made the budget allowance possible.

LCR Procedures

Key Topics:

Budget Summary

Budget Summary shows the organization budgets and remaining balances. Items you have permission to view are displayed as tiles. A tile displays your organization’s Budget Balance remaining of the Total Budget Amount. The % Spent Graph shows you visually what percent of your budget has been spent. View the transactions for the budget, based on the dates selected (Current Year is the default)

To see the Budget Summary, do the following:

  1. Click a tile to display more information for the budget.
  2. Click the accordion icon next to a category to see subcategories.
  3. Click the title of the category to narrow your view to only that category. Choose the Current Year, Previous Year, or a Custom Date to see information for a specific time (Current Year is the default).

Budget Details

The balance available for that category and the percent spent as of that date is displayed. Each expense and income to that budget is itemized showing the DATE,REFERENCE #, CATEGORY, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, and AMOUNT. If the REFERENCE # is linkable, you can click on the link to view the Expense Detail of that item.

Payment Request

This is detailed in the Payment Requests Instructions document for Organization Leaders.

Budget Reports

Users can print either a Budget Summary Report or a Budget Details Report.

Click Print, select desired report and click Print.